Are the Mortal Kombat Fight Stick PCBs common ground? (Dual mod possibilities?)

Honestly ‘not common ground’ could mean any number of things. You could always dual mod with relays for that extra-special click buzz sound.

I recently dual modded a ps3 PDP stick with imp 2.1 and all stars fightpad worked like a charm. The pcb is also modder friendly with clear labels and easy to reach spots.

Sorry for my lack of googling I have a Sanwa JLF stick but I noticed that Happ uses micro switches assuming I made the holes, how do I use it in this case? As much as I have been giving the happ stick a chance I just miss my lollipop too much. Also with these microswitches could I plug the end connectors into 24mm sanwas and would the 24mm’s even fit in this case? I tried regulars but they are too big (same goes with the seimitsu ones).

I can do without the sanwa buttons I suppose but the stick replacement is my main question.

It does look very easily modable, I took off the plastic casing just so I could peak around it seems straightforward but I’m not familiar with how switches and joysticks work x_x

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I thought it better than creating a new one.

I’m looking to mod my PDP MK stick (not the classic version, the other one). I’m planning on replacing the PCB with the PS360 PCB, and I’m just wondering if anyone else has attempted this and if there are any words of wisdom.
