Are the combos in mission useful?

sorry, i’m trying to learn UMVC3.

i’m mainly a AE player, and in AE the combos in the mission trials are useless.

for UMVC3, is the combos in the mission trials useless as well?

i don’t wanna waste my time.

Yes…and no.

Some of them are awkward and there are better options, HOWEVER doing missions helps you get used to the character’s execution level; and other missions it lets you see what the character is capable of. I’d do them anyways it helps you familiarize with the character instead of going in blank state.

just finished mission 7, strider’s otg links are tighter than i thought…

for mission 8, after the air throw, you can only cancel his slide with x factor???

his otg are too hard… compare to… sentinel or someone else…

@ mission 8
shit, having a difficult time cancel S into vajra H

Well yeah, Strider is a high execution character vs Sentinel who is relatively easy execution level, so he’s not a walk in the park. But it is do-able just practice and training like anything else in life makes perfect. Your not alone, I’m stuck on mission 9.

Yeah you can only cancel his slide with XFC if you could cancel with launcher that’d be retarded lol, do you know how fast he moves in XF 3 Dash + slide? He zooms across the damn screen lol!

His best OTG is formation B -> Fire Formation B projectile. His best damage comes from much higher execution than Sentinel but hes got much more mobility/mix up/ great assist…

Slide OTG X Factor is best usedafter an airthrow if Strider is your anchor or if it will kill.

With the characters I’ve used so far, that’s about 5, I haven’t come across any combos in mission mode that are practical enough to use in play. It is a good way of getting used to the characters moves and you can use parts of the combos to come up with ideas of your own.

It’s a good way for a new player to try everyone out, see what they’re capable of but that’s about it. Like many said, a bunch of the combos are just so impractical it’s really not worth the effort. Unless you wanna get the titles and what not. It’s help me out a ton though with finding characters I like.

thank you