Are Sunday night casuals at James Games in Upland dead?

Hey, I can tell from the forums that there used to be casuals at James Games in Upland on sunday nights, but these threads are 9-10 months old and i havent seen anything newer. Are these gatherings dead? Or do they still happen?

They were the only casuals that i’m close to in the IE, and I’d love to start going if they are still happening.

Are there any casuals that go on in the 909 area code? I can’t just play online all my life :stuck_out_tongue:

Super Arcade should be roughly a 30-40 minute drive, depending on which part of town you’re coming from. There’s also a Round1 in MoVal that has AE.

UCR and a few fellow IEers do casuals more often then not not just hit me up I’ll give you the info