Are / Should Turbo Pads be Banned in Tournament?

I. Want. That. Controller. O_O

My friend had this, it was pretty awesome when i was a kid. One button hadoukens and DP’s allday also use to program MK2 moves/fatalities. I think it might even of had to be imported or ordered couldn’t get that in the shops in England.

They are a great advantage. First of all, you have eliminated the chance of error while performing one - or more - of the special moves for a character. No-one is 100% consistent. Second, you allow players to use less fingers for holding the buttons, giving them much more freedom to access others, e.g., triple-tapping while still holding kicks for TAP. Or you can piano with 4 fingers instead of just 2 or 3. In addition to it, it allows you to multi-tap specials with reduced vulnerability (lariats) or even invincibility (Blanka’s back hop, Claw’s backflips). It is impossible to multi-tap 3K/P without macros. Finally, some infinites and lockdowns become piss-easy to do in some X-Men/Marvel games, due to removing the chance of error while dashing and demanding many less button presses.

If Capcom were to go back to the LP = LV 1 MP = LV 2 HP = LV 3 supers, and removed ultras, then I’d prefer it this way as well. As is. I prefer not having to change my hand and controller position or have some wonky button config to do ultra.

In Mortal Kombat, quite frequently actually.

None of the HitBoxes had this glitch. Home-hacked all button controllers could have it depending on how they hacked it.

Really? You use that cheap bullshit? Come on son, do it the real way. That gives you an unfair advantage and yes they should be banned.

Has anyone won anything using a Turbo Controller???

Nope. If you mash tech you will stick out a crouching short.if they are comboing you you will simply just get hit.

Also - I said Turbo, not Macros. I would say it gives you less of an advantage, if you type it in Piano Style it is much more reliable when playing with a stick. You have to rely on a timing instead of a 5 button input, which is harder to judge for sure. A stick is just way better in every way and that’s why I don’t understand why you would ban controllers if they are inferior. Also they are much more accessible to people than a stick. Sticks are like $60 just to get the bottom of the line one thats good enough, I think my controller was $29.99 tops. If I had the money to buy a stick I would switch in a heartbeat.

Holy shit that looks AWESOME

Possible option selects, easier/precise inputs? There was a video on the front page (it may have been eventhubs) which showed a disabled street fighter 4 player who used macros on a controller so he can play the game on a 4 button layout instead of 6.

I traded in 3 old games into gamestop and bought a Madcatz Brawlstick for $10 brand new. Fully modded it for <$50 including shipping, so I essentially got a TE level stick for less than the price of a new game. :smiley:

well i guess i must just be insanely bad since i have put on turbo i am doing a bit bettter but still cant make top 10,000 i was so close