Are peoples ego's really this fragile?

CigarBob is always cool. Sounds like you just don’t like him.

He is cool. Until you lose to him because you pick a character that you don’t use. I main Blanka, so when I was fighting his Gief and we were worth fighting at that point, it was fine. I picked Dic against him once, lost five or six in a row… he called me a scrub and dipped. Meanwhile, just the day before he complemented my Blanka. wtf?

Everything I’ve seen from CigarBob on this forum says he’s a class act. You must have encountered an impostor.

You haven’t been here long enough to know that he scammed quite a few people concerning joysticks a few years ago. He took their money and dipped. I’ve been on GGPO since the beginning. I know how people are.

You know so much about nothing at all, ALL the trolls around GGPO are HDR/SSFIV haters lol

I agree with geo, he’s cool, CigarBob has a nice rep among GGPO users, and he’s retired playing SF, how do i know that?, i asked him.

CigarBob is a nice and polite person, you played against a copycat for sure.

Most I know are immature players (really, 13 years old IRL) from A2 who are not even actually good at the game, being that 70% use autofire. It has nothing to do with HDR or SF4, they just try w/e they can to attract attention. Usually “country X sucks,” challenge spamming and the like. Of course, whoever says in chat they like certain game, they will diss it as a bait. You have to ignore them. There is a version of GGPO with such a feature for the ones who don’t have the built-in mental ignore in themselves. :slight_smile:

Explain him frauding people right here on SRK.

EDIT: And considering I can’t find the thread right now, I’ll rescind my previous statement for the moment. Until I do / If I do find the thread(s).

As I said, he’s cool when he wants to be.

BTW, you and geo: I’ve been here quite longer than you. I’ve seen a lot of things. CigarBoB trolls his ass off on GGPO and many times it’s funny. Other times, it’s just unnecessary.

I remember an user on GGPO, coolryu123 or something like this, who picked up gouki in our first game. I defeated him with honda (he was really pathetic) and when I asked him why he picked up Gouki, he replied me “Gouki isn’t lame, he has a bad matchup against Sagat.” Well, I quitted. Unfortunately, I never meet coolryu123 again. :frowning:

Reality is that most players on GGPO are average. Many of the BEST ST players don’t play there anymore. There are a few expert players who play there and they know who they are. But, most people there live in a microcosm of GGPO SF community and honestly are not that good.

Last time I was on (months ago) most players were a 3/5 skill level, give or a take a little bit either direction. There was one Cammy player who was fantastic. I was really surprised and really enjoyed playing them. We traded matches and had some fun. He knew his character and was a good winner AND a good loser.

CB is a class act. If CB was a jerk it was b/c he new puppy was probably licking his balls, and CB wanted to focus on that… :razz:

LMFAO!!! Have you ever actually met the guy in person? He is the LEAST polite individual I have probably ever met, and he is nowhere near “nice” by any traditional definition. He is very abrasive, coarse, loud, and the PROTOTYPICAL DEFINITION of “the ugly American” :rofl:

That said, I am not a pussy so I couldn’t care less what his personality is like, I’ve got enough friends, what I DONT have enough of is good Super Turbo competition. He’s a very good player, he travels for ST and brings his arcade setup to Evo and runs tournaments, even though I didn’t even get to play my ST Team tournament match at Evo 2k9, his dedication makes him cool in my book.

But calling him “polite” or “nice”, you either haven’t met the man, or you have a strange viewpoint of the guy. And yes, I heard he dipped out with multiple people’s money, I have no idea if he ever made right by them.

Last time I could even GET GGPO to connect (it NEVER does anymore), people were too busy arguing over who is the best GGPO player to even challenge me or accept my challenges. Then people will say “OH YEAH?? FT10 ME RIGHT NOW!” Like your money-less moneymatch on GGPO for NO STAKES means shit. What a joke most of the players on there are.

(This is Airthrow, BTW)

Airthrow… ggs a while back.

I can make people quit because I’m tenacious. Even if I’m losing I’ll keep going. No quarters on the line, I’ve got all night, even if I lose lol.
As for ragequitting… Dumb stuff. I’ve done that, but it’s usually late at night when I’m playing 3s as Chun vs a juggling Aegis Urien (THONG REFLECTA!!! RAA HA!! THONG DESTROY!). I’ don’t do that really very often though, more than likely if I quit I need to eat or sleep etc really badly, Or I’m leaving urgently. I’m really bad at vanilla sf4 and I’ve played people only slightly better or just cheaper than me. When they lose they literally pull out their modem. Geez. -_-. That’s even more disgraceful than just quitting online play. I mean, think of how this would go over at an arcade, with someone pulling the machine’s plug out whenever they lost.

I might be the only 92 kid on here who played games in an arcade lol. Face to face is good. No lag, they have to be at least a little respectful, if they even say anything- another awesome thing about those chatless onlineless days- people wouldn’t be screaming about their penis constantly unless they had a horrible brain condition. Those of you who play xbl/psn games online, especially shooters, know what I’m talking about.


Also the kof98 guys just loove that number. 98989898989898989898989898… Ugh…

People on ggp be feeling themselves too much for online.

I haven’t been on GGPO foreeeeever, so I don’t remember you but I am sure they were ggs! :tup:


You wouldn’t know me by this name:)

Online matches are srs bsns.

Well said this hits it right on the money with how I feel about GGPO

I actually have some incredibly bad luck with being on the “accidental jerk” side of this one. I’ll be on a pretty bad losing streak, and think to myself: “last one, then I gotta head off to work,” or something similar, and then I’ll win that last one, and think “man, this is going to look bad…”

I’ve taken to saying “last one” prior to the last match, for obvious reasons, but then there’s those times in-game chat drops and such. I agree 100% though, that doing this as a means of “ending on a high note” is incredibly silly.

Yeah this is why I always say “last one”. Don’t wanna seem like a jerk if I was a a streak or they were and it goes the other way.

I just got spammed invites thousands of times by mexican players cuz I called them out on them for challenging americans with their crappy connections