I mean don’t get me wrong I love the original and played the shit out of it, but I can’t seem to be able to give a single fuck about this game.
It’s on a console I will not buy, neither do I know anyone in my circle of friends who plans to buy one (lol I don’t even know anyone online who is hyped for an XboxOne).
It looks like a garbage chaincombo game. Might as well get the next generation Mortal Kombat, which will be multi platform and thus have a higher player base and more tournaments going if I can get arsed to get into the multi player aspect of the game (which I never do with MK games) and is guaranteed to have loads of crap to unlock for my casual interest and a fun story mode.
It’s probably gonna have a really retarded pricing model. I know it’s just an assumption but I guess with how poorly the Xbox is gonna sell, they gonna try to milk people as much as possible.
So is it just me or do people actually give a fuck about KI?
I don’t care AT ALL. Even back in SNES days this game took an asskickin’ from everything else. Bleh. There’s a damn dinosaur and Yoshimitsu in Tekken anyway.
I remember this pizza place had an ok cabinet of some like KI game that was ok… but this new xbox is garbage anyway. PASS.