Are Hibiki combos useful, besides CCs?

Assuming that you’re not using A-Groove, is it worth it to try using high-damage combos with Hibiki, or she mostly a turtler who tries to nickel-and-dime the opponent’s life bar away, as I presume Athena does?

I can’t answer Kendrick’s question about the alternate-commands super, but I have a few combos I want to mention, since they didn’t seem as obvious to me as combos do with most characters.

Jump-in HK, standing HK, dashing super (maybe any level).

Note: I find this combo tough to time since you do the jump-in late but then immediately go into the standing, but when I try to concentrate on this timing, it distracts me from timing the super, so I very often end up with either the normals as a 2-hit combo, or do the 2nd hit into the super, for a “3-hit” combo. This is the most damaging combo I’ve used with her, though…

Crouching LK, crouch LK, dashing super (maybe can do 3 LKs)

I surprisingly find this combo easy to do…I’m not used to using combos with LK, anyway.

Jump-in MP, crouch MK, dashing super.

You can basically substitute the normal hits from this combo with the first one I listed. This is easier to do, though sometimes I have trouble getting the rotation to come out after doing the crouch MK. I only started practicing/using some of these combos last night, though, so maybe I have to learn the timing from the MK to the super, better!

Standing HK, forward, hcf super (the “blackout” super).

Of course, this simple 2-hit combo is only worth trying, to punish a mistake your opponent makes; most likely, a whiffed move. If you start with a jump-in, the super probably won’t connect, given its short range. You might be able to combo from a jump-in, but I’d sooner just use the other super.

I guess that’s it. I hope this helps!

:o WOW! After checking out the A-Groove Hibiki thread, I should try that out.

I know no one posted a response, but I’d like to add that I recently noticed that you can combo from the low MP into the dashing super…WITHOUT being right next to the opponent! This means that a normal that usually functions as a poke can be buffered into a super, and if you can’t get the super to come out, it means you either messed up or were too far for the poke to connect, but even if you mess up, it seems that you won’t get punished for the mistake, as she’ll just stay in place, and your opponent most likely will not recover fast enough to punish your failed super.

I realize that sometimes a poke move like Sagat’s crouching HP can be buffered into a super but not a special, but in Sagat’s case, automatically following up the low HP with a super on a blocked opponent will probably result in a super move coming out, whereas trying to execute Hibiki’s super quickly after the opponent blocks–OR is hit by–her low MP will not result in her super coming out, as far as I can tell.

This point I’m making might be wrong, but based on what I tried tonight, range determines whether the low MP will combo into the dashing super, and not my execution, so it might be worthwhile to attempt the dashing super after every time you touch the opponent (hit or blocked) with Hibiki’s low MP, if you think you are in the right range that makes the low MP buffer into the super.

This idea might not work (or not very well), but so far, it seems safe, and it might be worth trying if it fakes out your opponent, as I’m currently having trouble winning with my new Hibiki addition to my team(s)!

Hibiki level 3 (the only version you should be using): lp, mp, hp, lp, mp, hp, lk, mk, (stop) s.HK xx hcb+HP xx QCF+P

In non A-groove, you should be cool like me and do far s.MP xx deadly rave. I also do x 3, deadly rave a lot.