Are colors too much of a grind fest?

I will just buy the colors if they sell it as DLC. I bought the 3S ones too.

Color unlocks are bullshit

SF4’s system worked perfectly fine, although it was a bit obscure as the game doesn’t exactly tell you how to unlock certain content like taunts etc

But SF5’s approach is clearly designed for people to just give up and either deal with no colors at all or pay up for a quick unlock DLC

Basically this, I don’t want to grind through a 50 and 100 match gauntlet only to start over again after one loss AND for every character.

you don’t need to do the 100 (hell) to unlock any colors. just the first 3.

This. Gotta get there, hope the servers dont crash, and hope the PC dosent randomly decide to man-up and actually kill you. Should have just put them in the store for like 1k FM or something. I’m pretty annoyed with having to grind through survival to get colors.

since they want to make survival that grindy, how about making it so that it’s a permanent source of fm.

i rather paint the screen myself.
Just unlocked yellow, i am happy see ya survival mode.

Yes. I wouldn’t mind if I had to run through survival once with each character. However you have to go through survival for each costume. That’s bullshit. At the very least if you clear a higher difficulty level it should unlock the easier levels colors as well. Also clearing the last fight and having the server drop before it unlocks the color, exp, and fight money is asinine to say the least.

Especially seeing as we’ll be paying for the alt costume, once I’m paying I better be getting everything.

i can’t see myself getting all 10 colours. cpu difficulty is the sort that will just randomly counter you with psychic shoryus and kill you out of the blue after 5 matches of standing still blocking nothing. once you get over 20 wins on hard its just a crap shoot

SRK, fighting game masters, hit me up with your ultimate cheese methods for those who have actually beaten Hard/Hell.

Stayed up late trying Hard Mode with Laura yesterday and got destroyed by Mika around stage 44. I was crossing up my opponent with j.MK as much as I could then landing and doing s.MP. Blocked? Another Cross-up attempt. Cross-up hit? s.MP into qcf.MP~K, react to getup timing and try another cross-up.

Managed to get this working pretty nicely till Mika completely obliterated this strategy using 7/6 different anti-airs on me.

Share tech pls.

Thing is, the early AI lull you into a false sense of security by being utter shite, then 35+ suddenly you’re getting hit by crush counters, V-Trigger combos, BnBs, Anti-aired at all angles, and the block everything.

Two tries I almost got to 40 then got smacked… Looked at the time, an hour wasted, no progress. I can’t consider it anything other than a waste of time.

Doesnt help the supplements are completely random it seems. Thanks 4 low health regens in a row.

Online still borked, all this will do is allows us time to master the new systems’ possibilities before going head to head until it’s back up. Learning is always good, and you get more colors out of it…although it should allow to earn all the colors for all a character’s outfits by completing Hard.

Survival has made me shout more profanities than Ninja Gaiden, BattleToads, and Mario Party combined.

I’m amazed ppl are going that hard on survival. I got dced once trying survival and haven’t bothered trying again. And to answer the op’s question I think it is asking a bit much. Current system unlocking colors for the character and not just the costume would feel rewarding just because you know you are done and done for good once you get it with someone.

I’ll be happy to do it once for colours, cheevos, titles and such.
But after that I’ll just use fight money, if it’s an option.

Fuck the league of Legends crowd…

Time and effort are not worth the ROI.

Six colors is enough for my main. Anyone else playing on my machine can deal with Ryu’s dingy ass gi.

I hope we can just unlock the colors by doing the trials when they are released