Are colors too much of a grind fest?

Fuck survival

it would be ok if it was just for the fight money. i want my fashion fighter 5 colors.

I liked it the way sf4 did it…Just fucking play the character a few times and you got them all. Alt costumes just came with them all.

it’s all about money. they’ll milk what they can. sure you can grind them out for free but who wants a brain aneurysm for some damn colors for one character and that one costume?

That’s if they will even sell them in the shop, all I heard for DLC was characters and premium costumes, sure hope there’s colors and stuff though.


I seriously doubt it’s even intentional that the colors are this much of a grind. I think it was just thrown together, like they had survival mode finished, they needed a way to distribute unlockable colors, they needed a way to extend the life of the game, so they combined the two. Otherwise, why the fuck would you play that awful-ass survival mode?

I think it’s just a rushed decision that they didn’t think through because they were too busy trying to finish the game as much as they could. Survival mode is terrible but what are you going to do when it’s literally one of two functioning single player modes?

Hopefully they make it less time-consuming.

is there an exploit with Nash? like the shoto mp dp on wakeup?

No idea since this is SFV’s first go. Most of this stuff was already unlocked in Ultra and colors for the default outfits were easily unlocked just by playing.

Unlocking something as simple as colors shouldn’t be this tedious. If I make it to a certain point in survival, it would be nice to unlock a color than having to finish it completely. I’ve lost around stage 44 on hard a few times and it’s pretty disheartening. 30 minutes and more to get there. Like why did I get low health recovery 4 times in a row. Makes me not want to play the game mode.

I’m done with this trash mode , fuck this is irritating

Me too. I don’t need these colors.

As now my only problem is the wasted time between matches

Cut 2nd confirm if you want continue without power ups
Cut character intros
Cut winning cutscenes

Yesterday i did the survival 30 with Ryu, the fight itself is quick, are the dead times to make it a brain sufference

Made a post about this in general. I do care about colors but this shit is boring, gimmicky and in no way a challenge. You’re supposed to ‘‘show off colors’’ this time around. For real? If I see someone using colors 5 through 10 online all I will think of is ‘‘wow this poor soul actually took the time to do it’’.

Wow what a waste of time. 1-25 was ridiculously easy and I agree the down time in between fights is frustrating. I got smashed by zangief. It would be a decent substitute for arcade mode if you didn’t have to fight a ton of easy guys to get to a challenge.

Would be cool if they did survival like in alpha 3 with multiple opponents

You might think having to redo this for alternate costumes is stupid, but the League of Legends crowd will eat this up, think of the big picture, please.

grindfest would be one thing, but it also gets really freaking hard.

no way I can do the 50 levels with all characters.

maybe if there were a total of 20 colors and the first 10 were unlocked by just playing the game, i could be a little more forgiving and the other 10 colors could be “show off” colors.