ARE BOY MAGNETO IS FINALLY TOP TIER!?! We did it for our MutantKind

Im making this post to finally celebrate Magneto who was once a Mid/High-tier character who I and I know alot of other people that knew he didnt belong there! Thanks to a few awesome Magneto players for example Anima, Fanatiq, RayRay and I know more but its really late to be posting this random post lol. Anyhow! Im just wondering how to guys feel about your new man Magus.

Sincerely - iamWeskers :slight_smile:

I don’t think he’s top tier. Or at least not tippy top tier. I think he’s near the top of A tier but definitely not S tier. Zero, Vergil, Viper, and Morrigan are all superior IMO and they’re all borderline game-distorting. Magneto isn’t game distorting at all, he’s just super super solid and fills alot of roles.

I also agree with you he’s not S+ Top tier but, he definately belongs up there though. He’s has great combo extentions(God-like damage), great spacing and plays a great role. Yea he’s a A tier for sure man. Thanks for your opinion din0! :slight_smile:

He’s very good, but he’s not Stup-Stupidy-Stupid, so he isn’t Vergil/Zero tier.

PS.: Zero is stupid, but he takes more work to get the hang of. Not like Bajiru.

Hell yes that is true xD. Thanks for your response/opinion! :slight_smile:

Vergil and Zero are about the same level of derp. Both characters just need to hold a button and derp and have an autopilot TOD combo that you have to practice in training mode to not drop in tournament.

You cant just pick zero and steal wins.

The same can’t be said for Vergil.

I think Magneto Vergil or Zero can get to that point of MSP level once fully practiced, with the current shells going around

Might have been a lil true in Vanilla but not in Ultimate. I do it all the time :slight_smile:

Buster cancelling makes his neutral piss easy and his bnb is basically MMHS while holding a button and does 800k+. Lightning Loop is literally the only hard thing about the character.

How hard is it to do Lightning Loops? Keep in mind we’re all Magneto players lol.

easier than everyone else thinks it is. I used to think the TKs were fast, but you have a century to do them. If you can HG loop, ROM or EMP with mags, you should be able to do LL with a bit of getting used to it.

@Din0: he takes some effort in moving around the screen since he doesnt have a fast wavedash + tracking teleports + near fullscreen normals.

Mags is definitely top tier. For a player who can properly zone and convert, Mags has a dominating neutral game in most matchups. When backed with a good assist he’s even more ludicrous, not to mention Vergil as a second is a freaking DHC glitch for mags. No joke. Did I mention that repulsion resets with select assists are hella unfair? Love me some mags. Also, fuck zero. That is all.

Zero’s cr.M is probably the most bullshit normal in the game and goes half screen and command dashes + Buster cancelling negate most of his movement problems, but I’m betting we both think he’s not too hard so w/e lol.

Lightning Loop is a little easier than midscreen ROM IMO. Midscreen ROM is a pain in the ass lol.

Magneto is pretty top-tier by himself but is considered even more dangerous if put in the right mindset since he has it all…everything but otg’s omg imagine what kind of man he would be if he had his own otg move wow! He would be S+ Tier nuff said. lol

Hell yeah dude Magnetos Rom is a pain in the ass. Since Im new to it man its such a damn pain lol.

Lightning Loop is fucking candy if you’re used to tiger-kneeing moves. I got it down in a couple of minutes in the training room. That doesn’t make me want to play Zero though. Magneto’s ROM is way harder but even that isn’t too hard once you practice and actually learn how to move your joystick.

Unnecessary if you ask me. I used to have samurai edge syndrome, but that was back when I didn’t have such a firm grasp of the game engine. I’m not discrediting what you said… about the only thing he lacks is an OTG. I’m just saying, that in the right hands, with the endless amount of unblockables/dhc dirty stuff/quick resets he’s capable of, he doesn’t even remotely need one.

I actually think his lack of an OTG is a big factor on why he’s not S-tier in my book. Not that he actually needs it as a character, but because it makes it so he can’t abuse the best anchor in the game, Strider, and he’ll always usually have an anchor that isn’t too good on their own like Sentinel or Doom, which ultimately limits his team compositions. Amaterasu and Akuma work as good anchors with decent assists for Magneto but they’re suboptimal compared to drones or missiles.

I don’t know if any hypothetical OTGing Magneto/Strider team would be as strong as Magneto/Morrigan/Doom though. This team pretty much completely takes a dump on anything that isn’t Skrull, Dorm, or Vergil with Vajra.

I think you underrate the doom and overrate the strider… but you make some valid points. But define abuse strider? If you mean as an assist, he’s just too easy to catch with shockwave if your opponent is “abusing” him. As far as oroboros is concerned… it still takes three levels. A good level three doesn’t dictate a characters efficiency on anchor IMO. Pretty much guaranteed to kill at least one character? Sure. Any other level three offers a similar scenario… though he’s a fast little bastard in XF3, and while I don’t know much about the character I’m sure he has xf loops like no other XD

Strider is pretty much the best anchor in the game in terms of overall team support as well as anchoring ability. The setups he gives Wesker/Dante/Vergil/Viper/Doom are ridiculous, especially when this game has so much emphasis on controlling air space. He doesn’t really need XF Ouroboros since competent Striders have solo mixups up the ass and can TOD quickly with XF3 while Ouro can be activated after XF ends for further comeback potential. The only real thing holding Strider back is the lack of a good level 1 DHC. Vergil anchor is better than Strider if he’s packed with meter but his assist value is much weaker.