Arcana Heart 3 Love Max noob. Who should I pick?

I’m no tier whore, I just want someone easy to use, like Chun in SF2, Mario in Melee, and so on. Any suggestions? Also, is the community alive?

for on forget the tier whore idea. You should play who ever is fun to you regardless of their tier placement. Start off with the basic character which includes Heart, Saki, Weiss, Akane, Petra and then explore your options from thier.

Thanks for input. Btw, I can never find anyone on Vita. Is there ever a certain time and day of influx?

If anyone’s down my PSN is SSj4_Ryuk.

I don’t know how many people have the game on vita, but Love Max does not have cross region play. So you can’t play with people in Japan or anywhere else. If you head over to I’m sure you could find more people to play with.

Ah, thanks a ton. Hope someone is down.