Like a sucker, I ended up buying an x-arcade solo to play cvs2 on my gamecube (it was cheap so why not?), and I seem to have run into a problem lately.
I’m playing a k team rite now of joe/geese/sagat and I’m mainly trying to polish up on my geese play but something has been bothering me.
Whenever I try to pull off, f+mp xx jaiken (lk) which people tell me is a really easy link, I seem to get stuck at,f+mp. It’s like the two don’t link correctly and I’m wondering if it’s because of my stick’s lag. I also have problems linking’s together as they seem to come out inconsistently even when I’m MASHING the button like nuts.
Is this what people are talking about when they say x-arcade adapters lag? It’s pretty easy for me to pull of geese’s c.lp x 2, xx jaiken so I don’t think it’s my execution but I’m no pro.
If it is in fact my X-Arcade causing me grief, I’ll probably end up selling it on e-bay and buying a custom as I’m practicing to become tournament worthy before SF4 is released.
I hope you know c.lp x2, xx jaieiken does not link. Gamecube is the EO version I believe with no rollcancels. as for you x-arcade problem, it probably sucks ass since you said you got it cheap. MAS and Hori’s are 100x times more dependable, custom sticks are even better.
My bad, on the c.lpx2. I was referring to c.lp x2, xx deadly rave, end with, s.fp xx hcb+mk which I pulled from the geese thread and I just put in a jaiken w/o thinking. But even then, I’m not really talking about c.lp,
It’s like whenever I input, f+mp on my stick, it hangs or the f+mp never comes out. I can’t tell if it’s my timing that’s wrong or if it’s the stick not inputting the commands at the right time. I don’t want to end up buying a custom stick and having it be a timing issue.
What I’ve ended up doing is hitting then tapping f+mp twice. Sometimes this works but it makes the f+mp xx jaiken a bit more difficult.
MAS is really good if your an “American Arcade” type of person, I myself prefer Hori’s or customs set up like Hori’s. If you can return the x-arcade for a full refund do so quickly, call their line or something and get however little money you spent on it. I know where you stand on trying to buy it cheap as possible, but somethings you gotta pay what the supplier is asking for to get the best of the best shit.