I personally think that “skill” (i.e technical ability, execution) is a pretty lame judge of how good someone is. Sure, you have to have some level of precision and ability to pull off some good stuff, but I think that yomi should be more important. This is a big reason I play Street Fighter instead of, say, Starcraft.
I think it’s an artificial barrier; if you’re able to determine what’s effective and what isn’t, and you’re able to outsmart your opponents all the time, it’s obnoxious to be held back because you can’t say, do a V-Ism combo (also a big reason why I’m not playing A3!).
Anyways, I’ll join in. I don’t know much about STHD, I don’t play other characters besides Chun-Li seriously, so I can’t comment much. I will say that I feel STHD makes more of the cast competitive (maybe everyone?). But, the changes to Chun-Li really bother me:
1. Lightning Legs: Making them more vulnerable was a weird idea. Blanka’s electricity isn’t more susceptible to attack? Sure, Honda’s HHS got nerfed, but it was used as an offensive tool; for crying out loud, he moves forward as he does it! It was devastating for characters not to have an answer to that! All it does for Chun is allow her to get hit with alarming frequency by more moves, particularly Dic’s Psycho Crusher and Scissor Kicks. Nerf the damage, I don’t care. Why nerf the priority?
2. Ground SBK: I dunno…I have to say that SBK wasn’t really useful for much more than getting out of crossups. Now, you can escape a crossup, but it’s not very safe. Sure, anyone with a fireball could punish you before, but you could put enough distance between you and your opponent first that it wasn’t too devastating.
Also, the Mk and Hk versions are, for sure, unsafe on hit (and of course, block) unless you hit your opponent at max range. Lk might be safe on hit, I’ve never had anyone try to punish it, but maybe I oughtta find out soon.
Another peculiar thing: The horizontal distance traveled does not go up in proportion to the strength of kick you use. In other words, most moves that go forward have the weak attack go the shortest distance and the hard attack go the longest distance. But, for SBK, instead of the usual Lk, Mk, Hk, the distances traveled from shortest to longest are actually Mk, Lk, Hk. Seriously, if you don’t believe me, go look. I tested this a million times to make sure I wasn’t crazy.
Instead of all this, why not just have the SBK have throw invulnerability on startup? At least then, she’d have some reasonable way out of tick throw loops besides “pray to God they didn’t get a safe jump”.
2. Air SBK: This to me, is the worst change. ST Chun’s Air SBK was made in such a way that if you executed it high enough off the ground, the animation would be over before you hit the ground. If you do this, Chun will supersede her landing animation, allowing you to block right away. STHD Chun’s animation includes her descent, meaning that she always has that landing animation. This was very important in matches against Shotos and Sagat, because there was very little she could do in the corner except build meter and use the threat of her super to get out.
Not to mention, the floaty property makes it virtually useless against Sagat. Sure, Shotos can’t usually punish it that bad, but the only way to safely execute this against Sagat is to do the Air SBK way high up, so that High Tiger Shots won’t hit it. See how safe you are when you do it that high in the corner.
Finally…no minimum height requirement. I can’t tell you how many matches I’ve completely blown for trying to zone with C.Mk, then trying to anti-air with any jump kick. Down+Up charge? Okay, cool. No minimum height requirement? This makes Chun feel very shaky.
3. Neckbreaker: I’m on the fence about this one. It didn’t even cross up a lot of characters in ST, but it did hit low. Now, it no longer seems to cross up OR hit low, which is fine…but it’s also a lot easier to reverse, which is kind of lame for such a long, telegraphed move. I would need to play more players that can handle this consistently before making an opinion, but I don’t think this was that bad of a change.
4. Super: I’m actually a big fan of the damage nerf, to be honest.
…What bothers me is the way in which the damaged was nerfed. There’s three ways, actually:
- Third hit of the super starts the juggle state, instead of the sixth (final hit). What this means is that every character in the cast will only get hit by 5/6 hits.
Notable exceptions:
- Chun, who gets hit by all six hits
- Guile, Sim, Sagat, Fei, who will only take 4/6 hits unless you land the super from max range
- Because the super starts juggling on the third hit, you can only tag on one hit for upkicks. Ironically, against the characters who are hit four times, you can still only juggle them with upkicks for one hit. Some characters, like Honda or Blanka, are very hard to tag with Upkicks midscreen.
Notable exceptions:
- Chun, who already is hit by three juggle attacks thanks to the super hitting her six times
- As is probably assumed by everyone, the actual damage of each hit of the super has been lowered.
Now HERE’S what gets me. I don’t care that the super got a damage reduction. What bothers me is that there are characters like Guile, Sim, Sagat and Fei, who can potentially be hit by only 4/6 hits (it’s very hard to upkick them after that, too, so you’re potentially missing 1/3 of your damage here), or characters like Blanka and Honda, who prove difficult to tag with Upkicks midscreen.
Here’s something funny: doing the super against Chun - the only character in which all hits of the super still land - does the same amount of damage as the STHD-standard five hits + one upkicks. So, why not just remove the ability to juggle? The new juggle property of the super just makes it so that it’s plausible to miss out on damage with your super. Chun deserved a damage nerf, but that’s kind of ridiculous, I think.
And even still, I feel dumb for saying all this, because Chun is still really good. I just…I really DON’T get a lot of these changes, is all I’m saying. It makes Chun a lot harder to play, but not in a good way, imo.