I cant tell you how crazy it is to buffer one 720 motion, walk forward for a little bit, do the other half of the motion, walk forward AGAIN, wait, and hit punch and see t.hawk stick his hand out as the other person is throwing out like a low forward or something. Brings a tear of joy to my eye every time.
Saying “it’s not a placebo” doesn’t doesn’t make it a fact. Unless it’s something you can test and demonstrate objectively it’s just an opinion.
I’m not trying to pick on you, but lots of people said lots of shit about all the various ports of ST which turned out to be dead wrong. Most of it finally ended up getting tested (mostly by NKI, wasn’t it?), but remember, were people claiming DC ST was “off” and CCC2 ST felt fine for a long time until somebody actually put it to the test.
Fei was a character designed to invoke a heavy offensive game, when he got "in"he was supposed to be intimitating and imposing. Which his recent nerf’s, it feels like opponents no longer have to fear fei even if he has them cornered. It’s a tough road as a fei player, not only do u have to manage getting in close but even if u do u still don’t have the tools to crack a good defense. I know a lot of characters where short changed this time around,but IMO it feels like fei was one of the characters to receive the biggest castration.
And lets wait for all the non fei players to disagree with you. I dont main fei anymore but he was my secondary in ST and maybe it seems like its just you and I who feel this way. Similar to how everyone who didnt play hawk though hawks new dive was incredible while everyone who DID play hawk (sans jiggly, I know he seems to like the new dive) disliked it immediately.
I feel Fei hasn’t gone anywhere in his position as well.
The buffs were good, but the nerfs were equally as brutal. The flame kick nerf was the most brutal of them all. Sirlin’s says he saw it as a problem being safe and compared it to Balrog’s Jab headbutt.
Fei’s Flame Kick has the worst priority among the other special anti airs. Plus it either trades or gets beaten clean by j.LP or j.LK attacks. Balrog’s Jab headbutt is completely invincible on the way up. It makes sense to give Heabutt extra recovery. But to compare that move to Fei’s flame kick makes no sense to me.
If there’s a rebalancing patch, I hope Flame Kick has it’s regular recovery frames again.
Pretty sure Chunli’s Upkicks or more likely Dhalsims upflame take that honor. Not a fan of Tiger Uppercut either since there’s something about the animation that makes me do it either too early or too late, and the invincibility on the move sucks balls
I really like the new inputs overall. and i do think they help the game by making it (slightly) easier for new people to get into it. or let old people get back into it.
for the overall health of the game + pad users (which the masses are) the input changes were really smart.
SFIV went way too far making the inputs easy for the general public. those are stupid inputs.
the only real problem i have with the new inputs is gief green hand/spd. its way too easy to whiff when trying to walk forward then green hand. or a quick block into green hand and i get a whiff instead.
I’m pretty sure Chun Li’s Upkick beats out flamekick. I’ll double check.
Dhalsims upflame doesn’t count. LOL.
I used to hate that about Uppercut as well, but once I got used to the timing, I love the move. It definitely isn’t as versatile as a Shoryuken, but it will knock the wind out of their sails a little harder, so there’s a decent enough tradeoff.
15 constant frames is the fact that I am talking about.
Just a while ago I picked Fei, went into training mode and practiced doing a simple combo - Standing Med Punch, Low Med Kick into Super. The results??? Random moves like a flame kick and a chicken wing. Now I can let the CW slide since the motion is a fireball motion, but a flame kick?
Try it out yourselves, is all I am sayin. There is something quirky in the motion inputs.
I will have to say I agree with Juimsuit on the large input windows have made it harder to pressure with Ryu, when I medium kick > super. With the new inputs I got a shoryuken more often than not. I have a cps2 setup at my house and its never been a problem till hdr. I posted about this when the beta was out. As a result the easier inputs make cancelling standing fiece punch > super even harder. I have adjusted to hdrs timing, but its hard for me to be crouching > stand walk towards oppenent then try to cancel the super with medium kick.
I hate how I have to hold medium kick down to as well now because if I do cr. shrt > shoryuken I get a fake fireball.
Like I said I have adjusted to these changes but in pressure situation you get the opposite of what you want and it kinda is fustrating when you crouching and planying foosties with your opponent. Its hard to explain, but I dont understand why there could have not just be an option to have to old inputs. I like the old inputs better. Random or not!
I wanted to write my opinion on st vs. hdr. later but I had to aggree with ^.
to be fair, new input windows have opened up half the cast to me. traditionally I can not dp reliably at all. CVS2/3s/A2/VS. dp motions have never been an issue, but ST has always held me back (I get low jab 40% of the time fireball 40% of the time and dp 20% of the time) for the same dp motion that will get me dp in basically any other game.
maybe my dp method is just plain sloppy, but hdr let’s me dp when I want (note WANT and not SHOULD) every time with my sloppy motion. Finally let’s me experiment with shoto/sagat/fei/hawk/cammy etc.
scrubbing out for the win?
Both dives are equal. Each has different strategies. I like how the knock down Dive was straight up risk reward, but very few people are afraid of it. Now with the safe no knock down Dive, nearly everyone I play gets a little paranoid when Hawk hits. I still wish both Dives were put in though.
Yes. Fei Long was my favorite street fighter 2 character and I was so hyped to play him in remix with new elongated rekkas. That was all he needed to me. Now I try to play him and I just get pissed off. I love his new rekkas, but that’s it. It doesn’t even matter if my chicken kick hits, my mixup is flame kick or throw. What the fuck is that?
Played a good Fei on vanilla ST in GGPO and I was terrified in the corner. CW kick is just no longer scary in remix. Who the hell is gonna jump into a chicken wing kick? Honestly, you don’t even need to jump at fei.
To add, why was his CW’s nerfed with the inability to combo after…that would be like making sim’s drills only working at the height of his jump.
Really my only gripe with the new dive is how it helps him out in 1 match and thats it.
and no way are they equal
These two situations don’t correlate.
Maybe a more helpful example would be like “CW nerf would be like adding 6 frames of recovery to his hurricane kicks”. Those moves are a little more similar.
Changing sim’s drills like you said doesn’t relate to fei’s chicken wings.
Actually it does, it’s completely nerfing his best form of aerial pressure which leads into extra damage if it hits. The nerf isn’t the same concept, but what it would do to the character is similar. It relates in that it’s a really stupid change that does nothing to help the character at high levels of play.
If I could combo a yoga flame after every drill I’d be in heaven.
if they locked this thread and told everybody to STFU about the differences between the games I’d be in heaven.