Hey everyone. I’m a Chicago-based industrial designer, graphic designer and web designer and I’m currently creating graphic overlays for Arcadeinabox.com. I wanted to create a thread for people’s requests and ideas.
Disclaimer: Although I do graphic work for Ed Farias’s business, I am not affiliated with Arcade-In-A-Box in any other way. The last thing I want to do is misrepresent him.
I look forward to everyone’s feedback and your requests.
Thats some great stuff!! I love that SF4 design. simple yet effective!Can you do overlays for an X-arcade Dual Tankstick? That big X is bothering me…lol
I could do a design in any size, but keep in mind that anything that is on arcadeinabox.com is only available there. Also, I don’t create the physical print or material, only the graphic file. You would then take it somewhere to have it printed.
Any ideas for what you want?
The trackball (if yours has one) could be incorporated into the graphic itself. That would be kind of cool.
Something similar to the SF anniversary stick, i just really liked that one. And yes I have the one with the trackball in the middle. LOL I can print it using something we have called Hurricane paper, Thin like regular paper, sticks better than vinyl, and comes off clean. lol
That is actually the image I used. It’s not that the image is low quality, as you can see even up close the lines are crisp. I just wanted to give it a print-screen quality, just to make it different. There was something interesting to me about how the image changes depending on how far away you’re looking at it.
I usually shy away from using someone else’s content unless I edit it. I could just throw the original image on there though. Thanks for the link.