Arcade Legends CHRISTMAS COMBAT '09 - SFIV, T6 **FREE** 12-23-09 Cincy, OH

The more the merrier. The first 4 through the door with what I need get the thirst quenching goodness that is IBC. The rest are welcome casual stations.

I spoke to my brother in law and he might drop by.

Also I would love to run a KOF '98:Ultimate Match side tournament on the day. I can provide the PS2, just need the game. $2 entry, winner takes all, unless we have a big turnout.

Keith, Kodi, Luke and Darius… you know you want some!


I have the game for PS2 and for Arcade so you won’t need to bring anything. Hype it up when everyone gets there and we’ll see what happens. If Columbus comes, they might have a couple players.

I was thinking of raffling off a PS3 SFIV SE stick. $5 a ticket. With original box and stock stick and buttons. Anyone interested?

Let’s see, I might actually be able to make this… depending on my schedule of work next week. A really nice concept and I hope it becomes an annual part of the holidays. As for the raffle that sounds pretty cool, and it helps the arcade. I’d be down for that.

If any of the usual BB people come, perhaps we could have an impromptu round robing or something…

I’m also 100% intersted in that raffle.

I’ve added the raffle!! All the money goes toward the “3S/ST Showcase cabinet project” so even if you don’t win, your money is going toward something you can enjoy. The stick would be a nice Christmas bonus for someone, and a Showcase cab that can play any of my CPS-2 and 3 boards would be amazing. I currently have JOJO’S, ST, VAMPIRE SAVIOR 2, CYBERBOTS, POCKET FIGHTER, XvSF, ALPHA 3, and PUZZLE FIGHTER which could all be played in this cab. Everyone wins in this situation really. I’ve already got the cab, the Japanese sticks and buttons and a knowledgeable person to help me put it all together. I just need to get the money for some extra parts and the 3S board and we are in business. I don’t see any reason why it won’t be ready for POWER UP 2010. My goal is to have it finished by February. Fingers crossed

There should be a couple more TVs available for a BB tourney if you want to run one Lee. I just hope enough people bring systems. You could do it after T6 if not. That should finish first.


I’m sweetening the raffle. If we sell 20 tickets, I will throw in 8 Seimitsu buttons. If we sell 30 tickets, I’ll throw in a Sanwa stick and balltop. If somehow we get to 40 tickets, the winner will get a TE instead of an SE and parts!!! There will also be 2 other prizes included in the raffle no matter how many tickets are sold.

Don’t forget to bring some cookies, pastries, candy, baklava, baked beans or any other food that you feel the urge to bring.

Congrats Derrick, Adam and Kris for top 3 in SFIV at TvU! Good stuff with Honda Nathan. I didn’t catch anything else due to the late start

Yo this is on my birthday! If weather permits I’m going to come and bring one or two friends (non-srk peoples).

Is there anyway to like paypal in money for the raffle if for some reason I can’t make it down? I could use those parts. Plus I really want to see that new showcase cab come through!

Also, if I come I’m gonna bring my tiny tv (lag-free 12" lcd), my PS2, MBAA (along with all my other PS2 titles). If anyone wants to MM me in Melty I would be up for it! If there turns out to not be room for the setup or if no one wants to play I can always leave it in the car :smile:

I’m not too big on sweets but I might bring a couple of bags of pretzels or one of those vegetable platters with the ranch dip.

Imma try da be dat
no garentee cause thats amajor workday, but imma boss so push th e schedule how I wants

You can definitely Paypal me the money for the raffle if you can’t make it. You can buy as many tickets as you want for $5 a pop. PM me for the Paypal address if you end up needing it.

There will most likely be room for one or two more setups then we already have so feel free to bring your gear.

Myself and Jacob probably gonna make it. I dunno about who else from Columbus (other than Ed) yet but hopefully some people can make it.

I’d probably be up for some KOF98UM if I get some casuals in first. IRC inputs are a bit more lenient than original game which is the main thing that keeps me from playing it. And if we end up playing Jackie Chan I’d be happy to take all your money in it.

Also Ed, I’ll money match you in melty.


Oh my god, if I go there, nobody should even play that shit.

I just re-read. Marvel VS game and ST with Japanese stick, eh? FUUUUuuu. I was looking forward to infinite people to death without getting touched, as XSF = 1 hit bye-bye.

I am thinking about possibly coming down… But I’m still not sure.

Nice, people interested in KOF UM.

I would definately enjoy some new competition.

Paul Nannie, would be nice if you can make it. I would like to play you in T6 since we didn’t get a chance at Take up the Gauntlet.



$10 ft5 each?

Also, odds are improving that I will be there :tup:

I don’t know much about Kof98UM but i’ll certainly play some.

Okay, I’m definitely coming, and it looks like I’ll be able to bring at least two other people as long as their plans don’t change, and a third person is possible! This guy wouldn’t play in anything, but hey, at least it’s another person in the arcade!

Also, I promise to bring some sort of cake or other sugary goodness.

Fuck XVSF you trying to play that MVC on the DC? I’ll mess with that A3 for sure,Cyberbots, and maybe pocket fighter.

yup sounds good to me ed