Arcade Infinity Street Fighter IV - Ranbat 1.5 Results (12/28/2008)

more shotos in my opinion.

but in general less charge characters. that makes the game seem more turtley

Ken I wasn’t sitting on my lap. My Lap was hugging Ken I’s ASS. <3

An E Honda got 3rd place?

i was playing e honda when all of you guys left… and packed up.

15-0 against scrubs… and it was 12 am and closing…

im gonna make it a note not to come on sundays on tourny days…

Thanks to everyone for coming out. Shit was mad fun, as always. Good shit Ryan for coming up!:tup:

Viscant, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Mike Ross & Keno, you guys are too nice.

Beerstation after was tight. Vid after that was tighter still.

Stay strong everyone.

pics from beer station up

there is also pictures of hot women and titties and ass ( you have to search tho)
gs goodtecks keno and mike ross
gs to kai trying to get me to make like a flapping fish at beer station

you HAVE to drink it if someone poured it for you :cool:

you just gonna leave a glass filled like that? that’s DISRESPECT. DRINK UP.

good looking pics dude, as usual, especially like random band portrait. you’re ridiculously talented!

Thanks, high five, sir!

Exclusive picture from the AI RanBat. Podium finishers!

too good!

the “1” looks like a penis

christian takes pics of hot girls while not playing sf4:

i try

trejo puckering up for the camera in the studio earlier this year..finally got around to sit down and do some messing around why does Amanda look so yellow here..but when i see her in CS3 she looks healthy...HMMMMMMMM my old roommate Amanda striking a pose for a test shoot earlier this year. Photo on

okay i think thats enough vajayjay for one night
there you go shoo and sanchez and company
more to come in 2009
now you know why i dont show up every ranbat

Wow Christian! You looked great in all those pictures except the 1st. Who was that dood next to you?

you got pixes of my cousin?? duuuurrty.

I think I maaaay have gone to college with this girl.

Originally Posted by mtsac kid View Post
trejo puckering up for the camera in the studio earlier this year..finally got around to sit down and do some messing around
I think I maaaay have gone to college with this girl.

her name is Christina…shes a dancer/hairstylist from AZ or TX that moved to Orange County…met her at Memphis Bar in Costa Mesa

Wow Christian! You looked great in all those pictures except the 1st. Who was that dood next to you?

some random hooker my cholo friends convinced me to pose with…random shit in Moreno Valley…she was cute but I could take a pic of her face because her pimp was there

you got pixes of my cousin?? duuuurrty.

hell yeah, when I was in Fullerton Amanda was a trooper…if she was only taller I wouldve shot her more often

good looking pics dude, as usual, especially like random band portrait. you’re ridiculously talented!

thanks man, im trying to do my thing just like you…kind of hard to balance two passions ,but when i start getting more frequent freelance assignments this year i think im gonna hangup the gloves…but before i do that ill give back by training two up and coming Video 94 Guile players . SF4 is the shit and the series is gonna have a healthy revitalization again this year. Old manitis is catching up with me

Ah ok, different girl. Looks a lot like someone I used to know, though.

Is this SRK legal? And can I see her face? :o!

hairstylist christian? you get fucking head shaves what’s there to style?

also, that first pic of course she is a stripper, you’re wearing basketball shorts (and i’m sure no underwear), the ideal lapdance pant

see you in 2 weeks