Arcade-in-a-Box SSF4/HD Remix Feat. EA Megaman, SweetJonnyV 09/25/10 -- Tucson, AZ

General Information:

Saturday, September 25th
Doors open at 12pm for casual play and registration, tournament begins at 1pm

5540 E Hampton Rd – Tucson, AZ 85712

Venue Fee - $10
Entry Fees:
HD Remix - $10
SSF4 - $10

Pay Out:
100% of the entry fee will go towards that games pot.

Prize structure for all games:
1st Place = 70% total entry fee
2nd Place = 20% total entry fee
3rd Place = 10% total entry fee

SSF4 Rules:
Game will be played on 360
Double elimination bracket
Best 2/3 matches, winners/losers finals and grand finals 3/5
Winner must choose same character but loser may switch, if desired

HD Remix Rules:
Game will be played on 360
Double elimination bracket
Best 2/3 matches, winners/losers finals and grand finals 3/5
Winner must choose same character but loser may switch, if desired

Cali in Tucson! It’s gonna be sick! I’ll definitely be there!

No doubt… SJV and EAMM are tryin to get Cesar and Amir to come too. =)

It’s gonna be fun!

a u guys should get snake eyes to go

I dont know him personally but maybe he’ll see this thread and decide to come. I do, however, know DGV and im tryin to get him out here. =)

as long as i have the funds i’ll get there one way or another.

Aw, Moocus! I thought you were already coming for sure… thats what Cesar told me yesterday. Fuckin liar!

I’m sold. I’ve been dying to play HDR on a 360 in a tournament setting.

ah i meant like, the only way i’m not going to go is if i’m completely broke, which isn’t likely.


Glad to hear it! See you there, Homie!

oh i see how it is they get there names on the title huh im pretty sure there was some sort of deal going on already Cough Happy Ending

But yea i will be there hopefully i can carpool with pete and johnny again liek devastation if not i’ll drive

LOL @ happy ending! You should bring Shoo so he can molest some more strippers over here. Their names are in the title cuz they were 100% committed from the beginning and you were all wonky for a while. Your name is too long to put in the title now, lol.

sweet… i’m down… not looking forward to playing on a 360 controller though…

I’m looking forward to other people watching me not use turbo to cancel jabs into themselves.

It’s going to be so amazing.

Good luck you guys!

Hey guys, I have the flu really, really bad. JV, fatboy and I aren’t going to be able to make it. Hopefully we can make another one in the near future. Sorry!