Arcade in a box, or sf4 stick?

my girlfriend is buying me one of these sticks (xmas gift) but I’m not quite sure on which one i should get. I read that the sf4 stick has sanwa parts on it, and has the viewlix setup that the sf4 arcades have. The issue is i play fighting games on my ps2 and on my wii. Arcade in the box seems like a good idea because its custom. I was wondering if i could get a AIAB ps3 stick with a ps2 plug on it, that way i could use it on my ps2, ps3, and i have a converter for my wii. If not, would it be wise to get a ps2 stick from AIAB, that way i can play it on all my consoles and just get a converter for ps3?

all advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Neither bro. What you want is a HRAP2 SA and a PS2 to Gamecube/Wii adapter.

I’d just go with a PS2 stick and get converters.


thanks for the input guys. Also I have a the tekken arcade stick, and i really like the buttons on that one. I’m a noob when it comes to this stuff, So if i go with AIAB which buttons should i get, Sanwa, or shimatsu? I also like the Jap stlye sticks (lolly pop) which one would you guys suggest. If it is any help, the games i play are SFHD, sf4, TvC, Marvel 2, and 3s.

seimitsu buttons are like premium hori buttons and I think aiab only offers a sanwa stick.

there is some one missing in this thread, some one who likes Arcade in a box a lot, i wonder where he is??:rolleyes:

In before TimStatic. :woot:

But seriously, do what EvilSamurai and Monte have suggested. Get a HRAP2:SA along with an inPin PS2 to PS3 Converter from laugh and a ToToTEK GC Keyboard Converter 2in1 (my personal go-to for PS2 pad or PS/2 keyboard to GC converter, found here under “HARDWARE” and then scroll down near the bottom). There, all of your console needs are fulfilled.

i’d second getting an hrap sa and some converters

agree with above advice. hrap sa and converters are the way to go.

i alreayf have a GC converter, it is the red octane converter, and it is really good, no lag. could you guys post some links on where to get the Hrap SA and the ps2 to ps3 converter?

edit: just took a look at a Hrap… I really don;t like that button setup. a friend of mine has a real arcade pro, and it has that same button setup and i hate it.

I thought AIAB does Ps2 sticks as well?

HRAP2 SA has a metal control panel which is preferable with Japanese sticks and is more easily serviceable.

I’m really leaning toward a AIAB right now. just seems like it will be the best for me. Thanks for all the advice guys.

you seriously cannot go wrong with the HRAP 2 SA…highest recommendation possible.

That said, I still can’t use mine on PC because I need a better converter - i have an old radioshack PS2-USB converter which works perfectly with my SFAC stick but lags badly on the HRAP 2 SA…

If you have to choose between the SF4 stick and AIAB, then go for AIAB. They make a more compatible stick. But if you’re looking for the highest quality and most compatible stick you can find, then go for the HRAP2:SA.

wtf, since when has a cheap plastic shell and a flimsy metal plate been the highest quality for a box and since when has a 3rd party PCB been the most compatible? :looney:

that’s the only difference that I was thinking too since you can get the same buttons and stick.

I was facing the same decision and I decided on arcade in a box. I grew up on american style arcade parts and that’s what I want to recreate. I also like the customization features.

This, but in your case just make sure to order a ps2 compatible device