Arcade cab repair near (kind of...) Seattle Area

I live in Issaquah, and I have an old SF II CE cab I need to get repaired. Screen get’s kind of fuzzy and red’s drop out when the machien first starts up…after that it’s just luck whether those problems clear up or not (pounding on the side helps :nunchuck:)

Wondering if anyone knows of places or people that repair cabs in or around the seattle area that would come out to Issaquah, cuz I have no idea how to replace or repair myself.

That is the best avatar i have ever seen

You could call (I think they’re still Mountain Coin around here). They do a lot of the local amusement machine supply. =\

thanks I’ll check them out. And thanks kwyjibo- like the simpsons ref. in your name too haha.

Sounds like you need a cap kit. If you are handy you can find the type of monitor you have, order those specific capacitors, and replace them. Or you can buy a new monitor (which I recommend, cus unless you have a huge nice and fatty monitor, cap kits can KILL YOU if you don’t know what you’re doing!!!it is not worth it to do so)…even with the power off for an extended period of time.

If you’re not handy but at least know how to turn a screwdriver, order the same type of monitor you have and replace it, and then put your old one on craisglist for free or maybe ten bucks+“Needs cap kit”.

I would say with electronics my skills are pretty good, I can fix most things electronic, but I just would not bother with cap kits because Capacitors scare me, have had them explode in my face before.

It’s not impossible to work with monitors, but you should understand that what Mr. Blaze said above is literally true: The voltage stored in these monitors can be fatal. Be sure you know what you’re doing before you pop off that back panel. You should be able to find diagrams and pictures online.