Aquapazza: Queen of Hearts returns (sort of), coming to PS3!

My “ouch” moment for this game was when I saw what the Installation Size was for speeding up gameplay/loads…
2800 MB…
2.8 GB for the math-impaired!


I definitely need to buy a new HD for the old 60-GB dinosaur I have.
I’ve currently got around 2.3 GB free on the system.
I never thought 2.3 GB wouldn’t be enough for a game…!

The installs have gotten ridiculous for this past generation of consoles.
I can’t imagine that if time goes on long enough that even 500 GB will be enough for some people!

It’s still a beautiful-looking game, though.
Glad I picked up the American version on disc.
I was really looking at importing it but Atlus took care of that!

I would suggest getting the game on disc ASAP if you’re at all interested in a physical copy of it (like I was).
I doubt Atlus has many copies of the game printed.
I reserved and bought the ONLY copy that the local Gamestop (the closest to me, at any rate) ordered.
I’d be surprised if the print run for the US even totals 10,000 discs. There have been more than a couple of games that had print runs less than that.

Anybody hear of the game, “Combat Wings” for the US PS3 and XBox 360??? Didn’t think you did!
That game had ridiculously low print runs, too. It’s much easier to find the Japanese version of the game…

Anyone wanna play a couple matches?

Brand new to it, but I can play later if your down. PSN: DrellyFish. Still trying to find a main…

Been playing since the US release (actually, been playing way before that to practice up but still) so you can usually find me online in ranked matches at night.

PSN: Soma-Atlasia

I’ve been playing this game quite a bit online since its release. Though the first night was rough. Think I only had a 20% win percentage in ranked. Starting to get used to the game now.

If anyone wants to play this, Jojo or BBCP just hit me up on the PSN.

games fun threw it in today…went str8 for charizu and satsu dont remember there names the lil hoodrat with the gun…in full bar matchs netcode seems fine enough . not kof bad

Aquapazza @ EVO 2016 (AnimeEVO)

Better resolution will be comming later

Good on them for supporting the game they love.