[APR 6TH 2013] Genki Beatdown Lakewood, CA [EDIT, had wrong date] TODAYTODAYTODAY

<br> <a href=“http://www.facebook.com/pages/Genkiyaki-House-of-Teriyaki/134386759944914?ref=ts&fref=ts”>Genkiyaki House of Teriyaki</a> </br>
<br><a href=“http://www.brokentier.com”>Broken Tier</a>

<div class=“fbInfoIcon”>LAKEWOOD, CALIFORNIA<br><br><br></div><span itemprop=“description”><span class=“fsl”><div id=“id_5132aa19f3e266c83416550” class=“text_exposed_root text_exposed”>I will be trying to get a stream for this event!<br> Hello everyone, <br>
Do you think you’re good at fighting games? Can you own people online?
Well ONLINE SUCKS! Come test yourself. Come learn from the best. Come
and enjoy the FGC experience. If that doesn’t buy you, then come and
enjoy the delicious food from Genkiyaki and be entertained.<br> I along
with Genkiyaki are proud to present the “Genki Beatdown” where some of
the most talented and articulated fighting game players will come down
and show off their talent<span class=“text_exposed_show”>s. Come on down
and enjoy the delicious food from Genkiyaki and compete with Long Beach
and SoCal’s finest Marvel and Street Fighter players. <br> We will have
professional gaming monitors for the crisp lag-less action! And
hopefully a stream :wink: This to support the FGC and Genkiyaki restaurant!<br><span> So here’s the deals:***************</span><wbr><span class=“word_break”></span>*************<br> $5 to register<br> $5 to enter Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3<br> $5 to enter Street Fighter 4 AE.<br> Each pot will be split from 1st to 3rd place from 70-20-10. (I believe first place deserves more than 60).<br> <br> Registration- 7-8:30 p.m.<br> (Casuals will be allowed for entrants so come early) <br>
IMPORTANT During registration, you must list which console you prefer
to play on and if you want to use a console with DLC characters.<br>
There will be some casuals before 8pm, but it will be on a turn by turn
basis. We do not want to bother the casual customers during business
hours. After 8, the doors are open for all casual stations.<br> Tourney/casuals begins-8-9:00 p.m.<br> <br>
There will be three Playstation setups and three Xbox 360 setups. If
you can bring an ASUS monitor and a system setup with the game, I will
waive your fee, but you must confirm before April 3rd. I’m working on
getting more.(Chances are you’ll be placed on a console that your
controller doesn’t support.) So that means bring your own controllers
and converters, and house sticks are available to use. OR you can borrow
a friends :smiley: Plus, we have one dual-modded house stick that you’ll be
able to use. And working on getting a converter at the moment!<br> <br> Marvel Tournament Rules:<br> Matches are best 3-5<br> Double Elimination<br> <br> Street Fighter Tournament:<br> Matches are best 2-3<br> Double Elimination<br> Same setups.<br> <br><span> ***R</span><wbr><span class=“word_break”></span>AFFLES<br>
Registering automatically enrolls you into our raffles! Once you
register and pay, we will give you a raffle so keep it and we will call
out numbers hourly. I’m poor but we will have some pretty cool prizes
that are worth winning!<br><span> HY</span><wbr><span class=“word_break”></span><span>PE</span><wbr><span class=“word_break”></span>
<br><br><br>HERE IS THE FACEBOOK EVENT: http://www.facebook.com/events/134486390053251/<br><br></span></div></span></span>

<img src=“http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/182455_10200432595913227_1989903112_n.jpg”><br>

IGT and AGE SnakeEyez will be there to win. Me in (UMvC3) and SnakeEyez (AE2012) we comin in first.<br>

We’ll be setting up for casuals outside the place as well, since the turnout is a lot bigger than we expected.

The event is coming up soon! Please click attending !




Please stop by and bring your A1 Game.