Apology for Trolling in the Past

First off, my original account name on here was kaka. For what it’s worth, I apologize for trolling the forums in the past by spamming new threads with alternate accounts. There were also times when I went too far with trolling, which is the reason why this thread was made. Just to let you know, I am more grown up now, more mature and have better outlets in life other than shit-talking other fourm members just for kicks. I now view this kind of activity as a colossal waste of time and counter-productive since I can get more out of mingling with other the board members - and learning from other people.

I’m not asking for a fresh start here, I just figure that I should just drop by to pay my dues. No more being an idiot.

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Have we really run out of possible troll threads now that thr new hype is apologizing?


Apologizes for spamming new threads… by creating a new thread.


You aint slick, we still see u creeping back under your bridge.


You complaining?

I will accept your apology. And I won’t even demand you send pics of belly stones as compensation.


Pics or it didnt happen


sigh we have hit rock bottom

Your apology must be done with deeds, not words.

Post hot chicks. One per day in the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. The quality of the women posted must equal or surpass the levels of your past trolling or we will be unable to forgive you. Now go forth and begin your task.


Apologizing is all the rage online…All the cool celebrities are doing it!


Why are you bringing this shit up now?

You should of left this shit where you found it.

I shall post wherever I please.

@Pertho can you school starhammer here on necroing old threads

Is the STA rule in effect on this?

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They do it when there is money or future monies on the line.

Doing it here is immediately suspicious, if you know someway to make money off this group of us I would say you must be some sort of magic person or in league with the devil… Maybe both.

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LMAO! No. Not the STA rule. NOT THAT!! Real rumps only please.


You are forgiven… based on the fact that know one knows who you are. You are a nobody and always have been no matter when in time you’ve posted here

No one here deserves an apology more than me. Every single poster on this site, including yourself, should apologies to me; for everything I have done for SRK since the 00’s such as making it famous, winning every religion thread, elevating UMVC3 by helping bums like Chris G get off the streets off of reading my strats, to saving this site, all that and I get barely get any reaction during my return after 2 years.

Why are the threads here like file cabinets now? No one here makes single threads anymore, we just go to these designated threads? I don’t want to post in the Lounge thread, that thread is for girls!

This pisses me off that I have no relation nor any form of emotion felt in this site. It’s like I don’t know where I am anymore.

You, perthojivo, stamhummer, and every other girlyman on here owes me an apology.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for a mea culpa. Chances are you’ll get slammed up more long before any apologies happen.

I think I’mma duck out before cornfield shows up again.

This thread is clearly a Batshitsignal.