marvel… I’m there too…but I’m there if sf4 is there too… shiro… howabout marvelsuperherors vs streetighter…from what i saw that you can bring it. how about 10 bucks a game.
You always want that mvsf money back eah? Lol well okay man, I’ll give you your shot. we can do best of 3 or 5. But I hope your confident in your skills. I mean I DONT PLAY THIS GAME or anything, but I think i can take ya out =p
You sure? I hope you guys make it to top 8
There is a team tournament (3 man teams) as well. So lets see if Team Hobema can bring it!
9th: me (credit to Greg for picking me apart with Gouken, followed later by MajorCrimson’s brother using Sagat).
Winners Finals between MajorCrimson and Greg were nailbiters. Balrog wins once, Gouken wins twice, Balrog wins twice to seal it. Grand Finals was a 4-0 sweep… I don’t know why Greg kept with Fei Long when his Gouken was doing a much better job.