Anything going on in HB/westminister UMVC3

UCI seems to be the closest regular meetup but its a tiny bit out of the way.

I’m going to see what I can do about organizing a regular event/meeting in the area. Keep an eye on the forums for now.

I am in the area, I play marvel and sf4 and I have a 360 stick.

I’m actually not trying to organize my own regular event anymore, because I found out my school, CSULB, has a fighting game group called the Salt Miners that meet up regularly. I’d recommend that anyone in the area check it out. They have their own facebook group too.


A group of fellow gamers is having casuals at a Video Store in SANTA ANA, CA.
The address is:
616 S Main St
Santa Ana, CA 92701

This happens every friday from 6-11pm
Games that are played:

More games will be added if interest sparks

At the moment they only have 2 setups but more could be added if more people show up.
Venue fee is $6 dollars which are given to the owner of the Store for electricity.

There are lots of places to eat nearby also a liquor store on next door.

Stop by and have some fun!