(Mods I dunno if this is the right forum for this, if it’s a problem please move it, but I am only interested in ST, so I dunno…)
We have a very healthy scene in ST, we have ranked tournaments usually every other week, plus get togethers at various local player’s houses. I’m really interested in getting to see some outside players though. Usually for ST we have around 20 participants in tournaments, and we have Julien Beaseley aka Zass who is an oldschool player that you might’ve heard of.
One of my friends moved to Seattle recently. I plan on coming up there to visit him at some point, and when I do I’d definitely be interested in hooking up with you guys. Probably won’t be for a while though. Maybe summer?
I don’t own super-turbo.net, but the reason (in my mind at least) is that it’s a forum primarily aimed at Seattle players, so it doesn’t need advertisement.
Yeah, two of our players went to BC and apparently had some really great comp, I wish I could’ve had the money to go.
Awesome! PM me when you are able to come and I can help coordinate w/you!
Do you have any matchplay vids online? You seem really knowlegeable about the game. I’m about to post my latest money match with Umbrellastyle and the rest of the tournament tommorow from 1/18, it’s pretty intense.
No. Unfortunately my friend up there doesn’t play. When I make the trip though, it’s possible that one or two of my friends that do play will come too.
I played with Umbrellstyle and Zass at Evo in their room Saturay Night. I was in Zass’s write up. We also, played together as well with Cole, Valle, Graham, and Nelson, Sunday after evo. So, I have been around.
I can play, I am not the greatest, but I can play!
Yeah Dhalsim love, that is part of the reason that I am trying to get people to visit…we have one good 'Sim player but he is barely ever in town. 'Sim is a hard matchup for boxer (my main char) yet I barely ever get to practice this matchup…
I’m currently looking for a job and Seattle is one of the places I’m most interested in. Should find out in a few months or so, I’ll let you know how it turns out!