I had no idea there was a name for this. When I go food shopping I place everything onto the belt so that it are no gaps, tins go with tins, meats with meats etc. All together arranged in tetris shapes so you can’t see the conveyor belt. Sometimes it’s a race between the cashier scanning the products and me stacking :looney:
That’s as far as it goes, I haven’t dreamt about falling shapes but back at school I used to also dream about algebra :wtf: Am I the only crazy one here?
Not really, I do give the cashier the consideration of putting the heavier and larger items first followed by smaller items so she/he might tetris that shit in the grocery bags.
This all sounds so odd.
The worse of this case that has happened to me, would be something along the lines of “I played this game for so long, when I close my eyes I see shapes of the game” and what not.
Nothing as extreme as “OMFG THIS IS A TETRIS PIECE!! I MUST EAT IT!! DKSJF;ASKLFJSL!” or whatever
The wiki article’s description sounds like it can get pretty extreme. It must be down to stimulating that part of your brain that you wouldn’t normal use so much.
…now I have to check if I can get tetris on xboxlive arcade
something similar happened to me, but not for playing Tetris.
at one point in time all I played was Meteos on the DS, and I’d see blocks falling down every time I closed my eyes and if I ever saw a set of squares with my eyes open then they’d start to move.
same for the Elite Beat Agents. after playing for so long, I didn’t even need to have my eyes closed to see circles closing in on virtually everything. also, I’d find my self tapping different sequences on my leg to songs on the radio or on my iPod. both are really fun games but I had to stop for a while cuz i was trippin’ me out.
Yes. Having been a cashier and now a grocery clerk at a grocery store, its just become natural. Really anything else just seems like the person is a mess and haphazardly throwing shit on the belt.
I suffer from this badly, it wouldn’t be so problematic if my tastes weren’t so perverse…or even if it was only videog ames…
-I can’t walk by a display of propane tanks without thinking that shooting one would set off the others
-When I see catholic school girls get on the bus in their uniforms my mind turns to something like “lesbians” or “tentacles”
-Mentally, I refer to all young (and young looking) girls as “lolis”
-Sometimes if there is a small pile of debris in my way, I will walk around it and think “invisible walls”
-When looking at the side of a building, I would wonder how I would climb it assassin creed style or crackdown style
-Seeing an 8 foot gap between two rails and thinking it would be cool to grind one, 360 flip the gap and grind all the way down the other
I think the same thing, except the things involving girls.
Also, when I drive I like to imagine what item I would like or need to have when I’m on the highway (red or green shells, mushroom, star) or when I’m stuck in traffic (bananas, blue shell). =P
I actually try to fit them in the trolley like that, someone else usually puts it on the conveyer belt.
I have this weird thing where whenever I walk I never step on those lines between the concrete and if I do then I try do do the exact same thing with my other foot to make it even and I try to make my steps in each cement block even.
Nothing game related though.
Back when I used to work at the dollar store I would cut down a lot of boxs, since I stocked a lot of shelves. I would always keep a box cutter in my smock.
Now when I was at home tieing up the recycling on Sunday nights, I would randomly reach down sometimes(as if I’m still wearing a smock with a box cutter in it).
It’s funny how you form certain habitual tendencies without even realizing it.
wow, catholic school girls, lesbians and tentacles, now that’s messed up. Don’t do any of those inkblot psychology tests
I do something similar on trains when I listen to music and watch the scenery wizz past, telegraph poles, trees, the rail way lines turn to parts of the riffs lol
I’ve always been a visualizer, when doing martial arts I’ve always watched my instructors then continuously tried to to replay and reverse engineer everything in my head.