Anyone on Steam

Hey there Guys! <–pun.

Now that i’ve got that out of the way, i was wondering if any of you all play on steam? I just picked up sf4 again since vanilla and i want to learn guy. I pretty much forgot everything from vanilla so i’m starting out pretty fresh. I mained Juri back then, with a little Guy on the side. I was wondering if anyone would like to teach/spar with me on steam. Thanks!

I play both on PC and on PS3. Preferably ps3 due to steamworks not caring about the networking on the PC version. ;_;
Feel free to add me, same name as on the forum.
Usually up for a match or two.

I sent you a friend request on steam Squirrel. I don’t have a ps3 :confused:
I kinda dropped guy for Ibuki, but i would be happy to spar with you anytime! Like i said i’m at noob status so any help i can get is great!
PS: I still play Guy, just don’t think i will main him now.

I play on Steam

ID: KidHeartless

I also play on steam. Same ID as here.

I have Steam and would like to practice so please feel free to add me.