Anyone know if you can custom add a Xbox 360 analog stick to the side of an Arcade Stick?

Anyone know if you can add a xbox 360 analog stick to the side of an arcade stick? I’m not really looking into a fight pad but I love the button layout on an arcade stick. I just feel that I can execute better via the analog stick from the controller. Has this been done before? I can’t find anything online about it.

wait do you mean putting an xbox thumbstick on a TE case?

Try a bat top, optical stick, and a circle gate. It’s essentially a large analog thumbstick. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, a 200 dollar analog stick.

Yeah, I was thinking of a way this can be designed. I was thinking of having the analog stick being on the left of the TE case, with a design kind of similar to this: but flipped the other way, so I can have the analog stick being used with my left hand. Then have this bolted on the left side of the TE case, so I can use my left hand with this controller, and still be able to execute with my right hand on the buttons.

LOL too big bro Pause I’m just retarded when it comes to pulling off a shoryuken move really fast.

tbh, you might want to put more time in with the normal stick before you try to do anything radical. I mean there is a long adjustment period if you have never used a stick before.

So what you want is something like that but with say half a ps3 pad rather than a dream cast one?

Yes an Analog stick can be used with an arcade stick.
And I seen a few mods that have done this

Most of the mods that done this had used a game pad PCB, with wires that extend from the analog stick to it’s location on the PCB.
That is a game pad with actual analog, so the fight pads are not going to be of any help ether.
You are not going to get true analog out of a Arcade stick’s PCB (like a TE’s PCB) even if you set it to LP.

Here are a few examples
A Custom build using analog
A Retail stick with analog

If you want analog as your main joystick, look into the Seimitsu LS-64

Warring this joystick isn’t cheap.

Maybe this could be some degree of inspiration. [media=youtube]Jh1JKSMOsV0[/media]

Holy crap, that Quasimoto stick is as ugly as the namesake.

Wow that Xbox 360 TE stick looks pretty dope! Only thing is that I would want the analog sticks w/the fit to your hand like this video right here:

This was pretty much the idea i’m going for, having the controls be on the left hand like this, but at the same time having the same size TE case with the buttons on the right.

And pretty similar to this one here too:

Great finds and info everybody btw!

That is not a TE, it is a custom built out of a Xbox 360 console shell.
And Don’t quote images

Why not give the pdp fight pad a try?

Sure, it can be done. You’ll have to use the electronics from a pad that had analogs to begin with, but that’s not hard to find. Focus on getting the case made the way you want with the analog stick securely installed. Then come back and we’ll help you wire it.

Has anyone come across any new or used Seimitsu LS-64? I’m looking for a pair and can’t find any.