Anyone have any of these vids?

Anyone have the match vids of any of the clips used in this video? Preferably in .wmv or .mpeg format, since I can save them. I hate having to reload the videos on slow ass Youtube.

Anyway, any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

you welcome

theres a bunch of guile shit on that website btw

Nice try, but I asked for the actual match vids that were included in that video.

Thanks anyway.

I dont think they are actual matches but who knows ask the owner of the site

No, they are actual matches, I’m sure of it.

But thanks anyway. I’ll try emailing Maj.

Sorry dude, those match videos don’t exist. That was a long time ago. My capture card sucked and couldn’t go 10 seconds without some artifact showing up. There’s no way i could have captured a 3-minute match video in decent quality. In fact, some of the longer clips in that video are made from 2 or 3 different video clips. It was rediculous. I would capture the same 15-second clip like 8 times, and most of those clips would have artifacts all over the place. There would usually be like 2 clips with only one artifact each, and i would edit those two together to get rid of the garbage. It took a really long time because of course, there’s no way to fast forward through CvS2 match replays. Even though i usually play Guile as my first character, sometimes he survives through two characters and that would a lot of time to the capturing process.

While you’re watching the video, the clips go by pretty fast. But if you look closely, a lot of those tactics clips are twice as long as the average combo clip, especially since i don’t do very many dizzy combos.

So yeah, never bothered capping any whole match. Anyway like i said, it was a long time ago. Those matches would look outdated if you watched them today. Sorry. Thanks for the interest though.

Ah well, thanks anyway.

Keep doing what you do Maj, you’re THE reason I play Guile.

yeah maj, i play guile cause of you

that vid has funny teams


That’s also why I kind of wanted to see it.

But the main reason was because of two specific matches:

  1. At 2:02 where Maj rapes someone’s K-Geese for free.

And more imporantly:

2: At 2:34 where he goes up against A-Dic with literally no health and pulls a Daigo moment by perfectly zoning him into the corner, and simultaneously pushing his Guard Crush meter, then catching him on perfect timing with the Sonic Hurricane, throwing the SB for Guard Crush, and winning it.

I would love to see that match.