Anyone have any good Juri vids WITHOUT commentary?

Trying to learn Juri. Just picked up this game and I’m terrible at it—mostly at defense. (Generally, in fighting games, my defense always fucking sucks, and it’s real frustrating. Play a careful game against me and it’ll be relatively difficult to win. Spam attacks without any rhyme or reason until your fingernails chip, and you’ll beat me 150-1.)

I want to watch some videos, but boy do I hate commentary.

Look up youtube videos of yossan and aiaitomo, they are both very good. Playing people who, "Spam attacks without any rhyme " are the easy ones to beat. Playing people who are patient (plays footsies) and fundamentally good are the tough ones to beat. If people are spamming unsafe moves like DP’s, just block and punish with c.hp xx pinwheel.