Anybody Play Shooters Co-op Over Kailera?

I was wondering this. I am really into shooters, moreso than fighters almost. I have a bunch of really good ones.

Does anyone play Radiant Silvergun online? I have the game but my machine is not strong enough to handle it. I plan on getting a graphics card upgrade just to play it. What kind of graphics card should I get?

i play Metal Slug on kailleria often

I can’t get neo geo games to work on mame or I’d play that.

MAME doesn’t use graphics cards for processing graphics because the team want to emulate everything as accurately as possible. This is why 3d games run like shit in MAME. Buying a new graphics card won’t make one bit of difference.

nah. but I do play a shooter over Kaillera where you actually fight against each other. You guys should get it. Twinkle Star Sprites

I wouldn’t mind some dodonpachi or something like that sometime.

Most likely Metal Slug 1-4, I never bothered playing co-op with anybody since nobody takes it seriously and just cridit-feeds the game like a noob

That is really disapointing. Are there any stand-alone emulators for games like Radiant Silvergun and Daytona USA that do a better job?

Not as far as I know. And pretty much all Saturn emulators suck too :(.