I saw a Korean friend play some anime fighter on his laptop maybe 10 years ago.
The main character (i think) was a generic guy in a school uniform and he had a ladder combo with 2 buttons. I had no idea anything about fighting games at the time, so I don’t remember clearly
Most notably, there was this one really broken joke character who was an anime girl, probably a robot anime girl knowing fighting games these days with like 3 moves that covered the entire screen.
And THEN there was another joke character who was probably the boss of the game who was bigger than the screen and would just slap the screen for full screen damage.
The closest thing I could find was Justice from Guilty Gear who gives off similar vibes to the robo anime girl in my vague memory, but I couldn’t find a full screen character or generic school boy to match.
While I have no idea what this game is, it was technically my first fighting game and what got me thinking about fighting games at all.