Actually it is a trend that is kind of alarming here at SRK Tech Talk, lately people on brand new accounts championing the Cronus. Something I have to agree with @nsc here, your post does look suspicious but I decide to hold judgement.
It does not help that older/established members are already very skeptical with claims about the Cronus, and there tournaments that ban the device for suspensions of the device interfering with the other player.
My questions are:
What procedures you used to set up a Mad Catz PS3 TE to work for a PS2 titles on the PS3 using the Cronus device.
If you found a solution on your own, why bother googling about it? You only been a member of the forum for 4 minuets before making your first post, hardly enough time to scan this thread. So I must conclude you already know your solution before hand. Also if you bothered to read this thread you know we found a solution that does not require any modification of a controller or any purchase of new items. Rending your solution of the Cronusmax frivolous.
Don’t thank me, thank all of the other people who helped test solutions, reported findings and contributed to the thread.
I just organized efforts and flamed a few people.
Plug and play. I held down the 1K button on the PS360+ to force PS2 mode though. And since it’s in PS2 mode, the only way to use the home button is to press start and select together.
I googled the problem because I wanted to find out if there is a better solution (or what causes the problem) , since I did not want to deal with input lag from the emulation AND the device.
I read the thread, than made an account, than posted. Hence the 4 Minutes.
Since I am a member of the German FGC, I usally only post in “our” forum and regularly browse SRK for guides and stuff. To further clarify: I bought the CronusMax in order to play Killer Instinct on Xbone with sticks, since the TE2 is super hard to get in Germany right now.
This may answer your second question
Regarding question 1:
I first used my regular TE Round 2 (PS3) in order to play CvS2. Did not work - problem as described above. After this I tried the Soul Edge TE Stick (PS3) - same problem. I took the Cronus and set it’s output to PS3, put the PS3-Stick into the device, the device into the PS3 and it worked.
This was also something I found interesting, so I wanted to post it. It works even if the Device just takes an PS3-Input and converts it to another PS3-Output.
it wasn’t ment to be a personal attack on you, I am just skeptical.
So it appears the Cronus mimics or emulates a Sony brand PS3 controller. At second though this migth be worth wild for people who don’t want to go thought he hassle of the other fixes we have.
Disregard the crossed out section, I saw the following post
Had the same problems with my sticks playing CvS2 after firmware update 4.50. These problems have been solved with the optional firmware 4.53, at least I can confirm that all of my sticks are working again with PS2 Classics
I have tried using the cronus as a work around for this problem and it seemed to work well. But after hearing that it’s known for interrupting a second players signal; I decided to do some testing. When I connected another standard DS3 along with my Cronus converted TE and tried Vs in CVS2, the TE would take full control over the DS3’s inputs and behave as though it was a mirror. I also never knew that it burns out usb ports. I’ve been using it for a year and a half now. Make me kinda glad that I started building my own sticks. I haven’t figured out how to quote stuff (This is actually the first forum I have joined) but I can say this place is very helpful and everyone is really nice and have helped me with so much. Just thought I throw in my two cents.