Any UMvC3 / AE players in Federal way or puyallup area?

I’ve been trying to go to some meets but they always seem to far away for the time that i have and being that i live in Milton (in between federal way and puyallup) i was wondering if there were a few players that would want to meet up and get some matches in…

Dorky’s is a close option for you. A few people from your area come out regularly. Check the thread for dates.

I’m in the Puyallup area. Been looking for players myself. Xbox gt: Caustik

Again, check out teh Dorky’s Thread. We love having new people come out. We’ll be hosting a tourney soon as well so you can get some competition practice in.

Sweet deal, I don’t have umvc3 for 360 yet…just ps3 until I get paid again but ill add you, and shredder, let me know a date after the 23rd meet so i can request time off. I work 1230pm to 9 on Wed so I need to put in time off, but I do want to meet up with you guys at least a once a month