I try tiger kneeing moves, eg Hadouken etc but OMFG I can’t I JUST CANT
Just end the motion with an :uf: or :uf: :u:
Here’s how I practice Tiger Knee (TK) motions on the P1 side: (my weak side)
Start off slowly with the basic motion you wish to TK, IE, a fireball motion or whatever.
Repeat that until you’re totally comfortable with inputting that motion at any point.
I forgot to mention, lol. Turn on your inputs, that will help you to see where you’re going wrong, and if you find it too hard to TK on the P1 side, jump to the P2 side.
Depending on the game you play, I’d recommend picking Ryu in UMVC3 for beginner TK practice. You should practice TK Hadoken, which is a Hadoken motion plus up forward. TK Tatsumaki, which is a Hadoken motion backwards plus up back. And then practice TK Shinkuu Hadoken, which is the same as a TK Hadoken, but it’s done with two attack buttons.
Once you get comfortable doing TK motions with a character like Ryu, I then recommend that you practice TK motions with C.Viper, I’ll also leave a link underneath which will help you understand what you need to do.
C.Viper has one similar TK to Ryu in her TK Burn Kick, which is the same as his TK Tatsumaki. But the biggest challenge you will face, but it WILL be rewarding, is her TK Seismic Hammer. It involves doing a Shoryuken motion combined with a TK Hadoken motion.
And if you’re feeling really confident, you could always try the video below.
Hope I’ve managed to help.
Ok thanks guys I’ll tell you how it pans out. I won’t be doing C.Viper crazy combos yet though lol
It starts off feeling really weird, but you have “a lot of time” to get that button in after you end your movement with :uf:. Wait until you really see yourself leave the ground before hitting the button, and gradually try to do it faster. Favor consistency over speed.
Not much of a trick to it other than practice.
It helps to hold the up-forward motion, and to double tap your buttons to ensure accuracy, but don’t worry about that quite yet. Just learn to do the basic motion, start off slow and steady and make sure you get perfectly accurate motions. The speed will come once you perfect the technique.
Input :qcf::uf::u::ub:. The extra travel time it takes for the stick to go till upback gives your character the necessary time to leave the ground, ensuring your input isn’t read as a standard QCF.
Oh that’s pretty clever. This kind of trick is hard to pull off at first though, especially if you’re just learning how to get a consistent button right after leaving the ground.
With viper in ssfiv se you have to delay the attack button a bit. It’s actually a super jump tiger knee and the game needs to register the sj before the burning kick comes out. The is also true for instant kunai with ibuki. You are essentially buffering the attack on the ground and attacking when you character enters the jump animation. This is only true for viper and ibuki.
Edit: an earlier comment alludes to this but this is the mechanic of why it works. In AE ibuki and viper have super jumps so because qcf up will buffer the super jump into the command, you have to adjust your input to allow the game to register that. You can tk akumas air hadoken, cammy’s ex and regular cannon strike, and other things without the delay.
Moves that require actual tiger knee motions aren’t as strict on the timing as SJC cancels. It’s important to know the difference between the two. But you are correct.
For sjc cancels, that might be true. The window for viper’s seismo xx burn kick actually feels pretty wide. For sic tiger knee motions, like ibuki’s instant air kunai its actually really wide open. You can delay it for like 10 frames and still get the kunai out. I haven’t actually looked into the frame data but the buffer stays stored for a (relatively) long time.
Yeah 180 from :d: to :u: usually does the trick for me. It’s how I learned to play Cable in MvC2…
I’m not talking about SJC anything. I’m talking about actual tiger knee motions. Like Fei’s chicken wing, Cammy’s hooligan air thingy, etc.
My bad, I should’ve clarified. To do instant air kunai, you do the tiger knee motion with a delayed input on the punch button. The way the game reads the input triggers a SJ so it’s both a TK and a SJ. I started doing TK motions in Guilty Gear XXAC with Dizzy’s bubbles so when I hear Tiger Knee, I think of attacks that are supposed to be done completely in the air, but are buffered on the ground with 2147+atk or 2369+atk or Cammy’s instant Cannon Strike of 2149+K. I suppose I never really thought of the Hooligan thing as TK’d because it’s the only way it comes out.
Yeah, I know. Most people commonly think of the tiger knee motion as a way to get the instant air specials that require QCF, or to do SJC cancels. Nobody ever thinks about just regular tiger knee motions, thusly called, because the original tiger knee motion for Sagat (first of its kind), was :qcf: :uf: