I’ve regained interest in fighting games since discovering a local SF2CE cabinet. Now I’m practicing on Fightcade. I don’t see many familiar names from the GGPO days. Might as well meet local players if there are any meetups.
I just want to improve. What better way than to indulge in the local scene?
Yeah. there is a whole bunch. I used to be playing a whole lot, but now i’m pretty far out of the GTA. there are players in hamilton, Tdot, London… check on facebook: super turbo toronto.
and there is this page: ST in Toronto
I checked that link, and it’s quite impressive. I’m glad we have a local ST community. The issue is how do I get in touch with these folks???
I just tried searching Facebook for Super Turbo Toronto and can’t find such a group or page. Maybe it’s a secret group?
Many years ago, when I used to play on GGPO, Unessential was trying to get me to show to the A&C meetups. I had too much crap on my plate back then and couldn’t commit to gaming outside of my house. Now things are a little smoother and I regret not connecting with local players. I need to find a way to get in touch with good local players!