Hello SRK people, (forgive me if this isn’t the right place to post)
I’m going to San Jose California from Massachusetts with some friends for a convention and I really want to take this opportunity to see if there’s any strong players or an arcade that nearby with some competition. I hear there’s a ‘Regional Matchmaking’ Thread somewhere…I’m not claiming to be anything great at the moment but I really want to broaden my experience with strong players.
If you happen to know any one/are someone who would care to expose me in a SSF4AE session please do reply!
I’ll PM you contact info too if anyone’s interested. Thank you!
I would suggest posting in the Pacific North section of the Regional Matchmaking Thread. You will have much more success on contacting people in the San Jose/Bay Area. This portion of SRK consists of the Pacific Northwest, mainly Oregon, Washington and Idaho.