I normally train Muay Thai, but am recovering from a health problem at the moment. During the meantime I would like to improve on ST, and I believe that talking to and playing with highly experienced and talented players is the way to go. Anyone patient enough for me? I’m not a beginner to the game, by the way, or unfamiliar with high level play in fighting games (was a top KI player). Rather, I am looking to immerse myself deeper into the gameplay that takes place at high levels in ST. I just don’t have access to the right people, and GGPO does not function for me, yet I am still able to play online through other methods (that work well).
Send me a PM or just reply here if anyone is friendly/open enough. Thanks to all those down to it!
You know I got your back homie. Been a while since we talked. If you got any IM services we can chat there or even better on skype so it’s easier. All my services are:
For the time being, I’m fixing some stuff that does not allow me to connect to GGPO or Supercade. However, I can still play P2P and with a good connection via other methods. I don’t mind just chatting with ST heads for now. I’ve sent PMs to all those who’ve replied, and hopefully we can talk more soon.
(djfrijoles, I have not seen you since a while back, yeah. I remember you on Zbattle ages ago! Those were the days, lol)
Deejay and Ryu. I pretty much just plan to specialize in using those two guys and learn the others for the sake of understanding mechanics, matchups and all the theory.
Just playing, you will get good experience (quality of execution of decisions) vs. just about anybody. But training (or even just communicating) with a Dee Jay or Ryu specialist is probably gonna have a bigger impact in boosting your overall game level (quality of actual decisions).
Of course a lot of it depends on how you learn as a person. Some people can learn from hit box and move property info, while others get much less from it. Same goes for watching top player vids or practicing in training rooms.
Here’s a quick and dirty crash course to playing “Old” Sagat (John Choi style)
[]Always have this song playing. At all times. Even if it’s only in your head.
[]Don’t eat french fries. If french fries are currently a part of your diet, uppercut them out.
[]Throw low tigers.
a. Throw more low tigers.
(i) all day.
(ii) every day.
[]Don’t talk about Fight Club.
a. What are you doing? Why’d you stop throwing low tigers?
Or OldER Sagat, the tankiest fucker of all, who can punch or kick you from across the screen, has a broken throw range, a 5 hit “magical beat everything practically safe on whiff GET THE FUCK OFF ME” super, 4 teleports, the ability to turn to liquid as a ground attack, doesn’t stick out his arms when he throws projectiles, an even floatier jump, an even slower walk speed, and various aerial attacks. I think the other two versions of sagat are jealous, they can’t zone nearly as well.