Any new UltraSF4 Hakan tutorials?

Hey everyone, I am a total SF newbie who is trying to learn Hakan, despite not really being able to do 360s or 720s reliably. He seems so unorthodox and hilarious and I like the idea of making my opponent feel helpless while I’m squishing everyone around.

Are there any good tutorial videos for combos / how to play Hakan that include his Ultra changes? All the Hakan videos I can find are pretty old.

In Oil We Trust!

Watch AE Hakan tutorials and look into setup/match-up Threads. Ultra and AE aren’t very different from each other. There are only two new mechanics in the game, the rest of the changes are just nerfs and buffs ; Changing match-ups.

This applies to every grapple character with 360s, you don’t have to do the full 360 but a 270. just go half circle and before you finish the 270 push simultaneously ->diagonal-attack button. Practice that fast. You can even do the motion the opposite way too, from back 270 instead of forward 270. Get used to doing it from back, it’s safer. Now you got grounded grapples :slight_smile:

720 I just move cancel into it, buffer it after a move and finish the input after you recovery from the move. Do safe moves like MK or you can dash into it.
I play on Controller so I use a lot of tricks and short cuts. If you have trouble doing DP without triggering super do forward-down-forward, don’t do down-forward 2x.

Thank you!

I feel like Hakan got nerfed by Ultra system changes. The nice thing about Hakan was that even though he doesnt do heavy damage (out side of super/ultra) his mixups made me salivate once I got a knock down. In ultra its alot harder to keep up pressure. I’ll admit I have been playing yang more in ultra but I still consider myself a Hakan main. I watch MLSwear now and alot of what he did to ChrisG when he beat him with Hakan wouldnt work now (the straight wakeup pressure would work but not all the setups) Although like me he has been moonlighting in Ultra a bit (for him Hugo) and may have made him a little rusty.