Any Houston or other TX players up for some SSFIITHD on X360?

Toss me a FR, GT= RELLIK 1S1K

i’ll try and add you, im from souff wess

gt is xlegionariousx

Northwest side originally from that South East.

FR sent.

I’ve got a pretty good group of folks I play with. I’d like to see how good the Houston folks are. I’m average at best but I do like some friendly competition!

Why does your SN look so familiar? Did I add you recently?

Anyways I play erry now and then.

Im up for a challenge dude^_-

my GT= deathsyte05
send FR

add a boi plz… (from san antonio)


I sent the rest of you all a FR.

sweet :slight_smile: i will be on later on today to accept