Any garou kaillera players here? Id love to face some niggas at this game.
yeah, theres a bunch
Most of them sucks… I stopped playing that shit cause of the suckkidy!!!
i only play close friends like hellsap, ken_dong and a few others.
I also play.
i play i’m not good anymore since i stopped playing everyday with my friends but i’m aight
I play mostly offline now…but once in a while I play online with certain players I know. If you ever wanna play just hit me up…later.
I usually play Nocturnal offline. My ping always sucks now for some reason.
Yeah, I usually play it… usa servers sometimes.
Damn, that Young Ice guy is good
Well I played Ken_dong he kick ass!! I need to get back in shape I can’t break a move for shit.
I see you are from the bronx. Me too. Id love to face you in garou.
Also nocturnal. Id face you anytime you want in garou. Id love to face a great kain player such as yourself.
Great matches we had yesterday giby. I can,t wait once you get your converter so I can face you at your full potential.
Later peeps.
anybody wanna play garou now? Im willing to face anybody now.
Great matches all you guys. I love to have great matches and comp. Young ice is a very great garou player. It was a pleasure to play you and the rest of you guys.
Yeah, I play Garou, but only the prototype cue ken_dong’s “prototype has a lot of bugs” speech Yeah, yeah I know, I know.
PM me whenever you’re ready.
Uh, why the prototype?
I might get to playing this again too, btw.
- Takes too long to d/l on my PC
- Only one I could find
The only difference I could find between set 1 and the prototype is that in the prototype, TOP attacks reset the game. Are there any other differences (besides graphics problems)?
Well picking Kain and Grant u need to input diferent codes and if I remember correctly set 1 and protype have some combos that do too much damage something that is fixed in the other Garous version.(Not sure about last one)
Set1, set2 and decrypted C are all the same… and these are arcade perfect too :*)
Prototype… well, really, there’s too much to write about, just try to do Dong QCF*2+A super first on prototype and then on set1… well, you WILL see the difference
Fixed version: only works on mame, basically it’s the prototype; the game DOES NOT freeze here if you do Jae Hoon C+D TOP ATTACK