I’m in Carrboro, NC for the summer and I’m looking for a decent arcade, or any arcade at all for that matter. It looks like I’m SOL, but I’m just posting here hoping that someone will either confirm, or deny my assumption.
Come to Fayetteville, NC. About an hour away from Raleigh/Durham area. Mindboggle is the arcade, it is in CrossCreek Mall. We have 2 CVS2 machines, 2 3S machines, 1 MVC2, an SvC, plus a bunch of other stuff.
Carrboro is actually prolly more like 1 hr 30 mins from f-ville if you want to go there. Crabtree has 3s, sc2, t4, cvs (haha). Assuming you play cvs2, you might consider playing on console. There’s plenty of competition down the road from you in durham. Sessions can be arranged. There was just a 2-day tournament in durham at a lan cafe where there were around 20 players in cvs2.