Anti BlackHeart Thread Vol. 1

Okay I am having a real hard time finding ways to take out any blackheart players, if you guys have any HELPFUL imformation let me know, thanks!

Identify the kind of Blackheart player. If they’re the SJ.RH variety, it’s pretty easy to stop them from doing that since all the top tier short of Storm have something they can do to stop that without meter (Mags EM Disruptor, Cable gun/viper beam, Sentinel dash forward or Rocket Punch). Storm could lightning attack too if you felt like taking the risk. Also remember that inferno xx HOD is very punishable if you block the inferno while superjumping.

If they mix up between fierce and roundhouse demons, it’s harder. You have to fill the bottom screen with crap and force them to superjump where they’re weaker, and your rushdown execution has to be tight. Remember that Blackheart has no real high damage combos (unless maybe your opponent is StiltMan, bastard), so you can hang on for that big damage combo that you probably have.

Blackheart is weak when he’s forced to get into close range defensive. For some reason he has more frames of transition from standing block to crouch block from a jump. Fucking Capcom.

Well the types of blackhearts I’ve come across are the Blackheart Cable Cyclops teams. The players usual superjump around with hk+ cyclops trying to nail me for the infinite. I notice that the blackhearts up here do alot of runnaways. I just can’t find a good opportunity to shot em with cable. Even when I have storm I can’t even find a good opportunity to land a good lighting attack at blackheart or even a good hailstorm without getting infinited.

Is there a pattern that Blackheart is most likely using to trap me, is there a pattern that I should be looking out for to avoid being traped?

Don’t let Blackheart land from a superjump close to you, unless you have a plan to evade Cyclops. Because he’s going to call him. Throw distance off so he can’t come down on top of you, and then the next time he superjumps (and he probably will) you can do whatever.

Learn to wavedash.

is there any way to get out of inferno xx HOD

alright…how to beat blackheart? be good with magneto haha

-blackheart can not sj.rh, ad/b sj.rh, and come down and expect that to work well…many inexperienced blackhearts do this, you’d be surprised. they can not block on the way down from their last sj.rh, and then that means they can’t throw a out a move on the way down SO that means MIXUP CITY.

-if blackheart mixes up b/w sj.rh and sj.fp, then great. me personally, i won’t fight blackheart in the air with magneto much. not sj. level at least. i would rather mix bh up coming down since his normals do not cross over. (not saying you get this for free everytime, you have to be patient, duh, but this goes along with being good at marvel so…juss be patient).

-try using hypergrasp tempest on bh, he is bigger and some people have a harder time mashing out with bigger characters.

-if you can’t seem to find your own opening to exploit this bh you can’t beat. don’t overdo it trying to hit bh. in order for bh to setup a formidable defense against magneto he MUST use his assist. so just work on the assist. it will at least make him weary of calling him out in the same manner he was calling him out before hand. (you might have to punish it in safe ways though, that you might not be used to, such as c.rh+assist, then either sj cancel to a block or if he throws demons or if it is cyke you can suki-cancel to a block and still be standing)

if you by chance play a magneto/storm team then you always are going to get 30% of bh’s life because of the frame kill

hope this helped

btw…the thing bh can do to make it hard for magneto is utilizing his normal jump back fp

to beat a blackheart?

Well from what i’ve been reading blackheart is comming back in to the metagame. As matter of fact i have benn playing a ton of blackheart players in my arcade, but since most of them suck i don’t pay attention to their blackheart much. Well to answer the question of how to beat a blackheart? well, it’s simple play team clockwork and you’ll never have a problem with black heart again. But, if you don’t like team clockwork then take your time with black heart remember that black heart does very minimal chip damage. So what you’ll be looking for is for black heart to f*** up, trust me it happen a lot. Oh! one more thing do not get pressured by blackheart i know it’s difficult to find an opening but if you stay calm and don’t get pissed off and do some stupid crap you’ll be able to nail blackheart ass.

You know, I read your post to vidness, and it sounds like your BH is similar to mine. Which makes me wonder why you would say that clockwork is a counter for BH? I find that to be a fairly easy match and I play against somebody who learned how to play CW from Clock and another good player by the name of DK (I think).

Takes notes on what people can do to stop black heart

So what about a black heart that mixes up his sj.FK/FP demons well? His zoning/ corner lock down involves chipping.
For example once he got you trap in the corner where he wants to be, he goes into this kinda of pattern:

prjectile assist, super jump FK demons, dash back FP demons, land next to you c.LK (sometimes standing LP… or sometimes doe nothing and just calls in assist if he reads that youre going to call out one), c.LK + AAA.

YOu see i can take down anyones black heart in my area, but this person’s black heart actually likes to get in close. Utilizing his jabs, and uses his assists quite well. Im no worried about the rests of the game, usually when his black heart dies the game is over (hes not as proficient with the other characters than he is with black heart).

Any suggestions i can do about this guy?


Oh yeah, BTW inferno/HOD is punisheable… ala guard cancelling… but can you punish inferno/Judgement Day with say… cable?
Thanks again.

You have them in the corner… and you’re super jumping to throw demons? Why… why… whoa…?

Even if that projectile assist you’re talking about is Doom, you don’t want to leave the ground if they don’t do it first. Your main reason to want to leave the ground is to keep them from going over the top of you to escape. If you go up first, even if you’re throwing demons around, you’re still giving them avenues to get out of there, especially if they’ve got an assist of their own to clear yours out of the way.

Inferno/HOD is okay to do for chip if you’ve got a projectile assist coming at them to keep them from getting out, though. I don’t know if inferno/JD is punishable by Cable on startup reaction or not. I don’t believe the demons go away like his normal ones do when he gets hit, and there’s enough of a spray everywhere that even if Cable could get the AHVB it would probably trade. However, I’ve never seen a Cable actually get it off, whereas it’s actually halfway trivial to do it on inferno/HOD.

hey, its me again. Blackheart king, i know what you saying about team clockwork, but in my experience to beat team clockwork i would have to use cyclops, cammy or psylocke in order to stop doom from traping me. As you well know blackheart is rather weak when taking kits, as matter of fact if im not careful team clockwork kills my blackheart in matter of seconds. Maybe you are better playing against that team, or maybe i have formed a mental block that prevents me from beating this team, i don’t know. All i know is that i do beat team clockwork but not in a regular basis, if you have any pointers please do share! :slight_smile:

By the way infernoXXjudgementday cannot be punished by Cable, cause i use it every time against that bastard and it does a fair amount of chip damage, just don’t abuse it. Also, watch out for cable assissts are not in front of him or you’ll get the assisst but not cable and that means you are going to eat 3-AHVB.

for the most part what Stilt said but I’ll be back later to give me strategies cuz I’m heading home now

If the Strider player has enough meter and knows what to do with it, BH’s probably going to just get trapped a lot. The main answers to it are to try to find the right places to pushblock and get him out of there, and against a team that uses a battery for him, hurt the battery enough that Strider has to come from behind.

If I’m playing Watts against Clockwork I’m probably going to start BH and use the fact that he’s got no air help to control the pace. If he goes right overhead to a point that you can’t call Commando, he’s in jumping poke range pretty easily, and one way or another you ought to be able to fill the meter roughly as fast as he does. Don’t aim to use it to chip Sentinel, you’ll want it to kill Strider with. If you don’t know my DHC with BH/Sentinel/Commando (which is what Dasrik’s referring to when he says that if you’re playing me, you -will- take a lot of damage if my BH hits you) then learn it if you want to play this team, and if you hit Strider, make sure he does not live. He will NOT survive that DHC, ever. Then you’ll have Sentinel/Commando/BH on Doom… which is what is called a “hopeless matchup” for Doom.

Yo for real thanks for the blackheart info guys, I will be sure to take that in consideration. Umm do you think that blackheart is more effective with Cyclops, or just Captain Commando?

yo dirty, use capcom is more efficient with blackheart, stiltman thanks for the help team clockwork doesn’t give me any problems now.

well that’s a question of just how good you are with BH and who you’re playing against. I find cyclops to be pretty good again rushdown and strider/spiral teams. And commando for sent oriented teams. Either or would work again cable oriented teams depending on what assist he has.