:eek: You only really want to complete d/f+1, 2 when you know you’re scoring a counterhit with the first strike.
Otherwise, the opponent can duck and punish. If you know they won’t duck or are scared to duck, you can complete the string and the pushback makes it safe generally, but it’s a good habit to not complete the string unless you have a reason to. You can do d/f+1, 4 if you know they’ll duck and you want to force them to stand.
Generally for poking, it’s a lot of 1, some 2, some d/b+3 and some d/f+4. You’re not going to be poking too much with Asuka because her range is pretty awful and she’s not very quick, but you do have these very safe and reliable options to go to. You’re mainly going to be using her great defensive maneuvers to block punish, whiff punish, and crush. Her crushing game is especially potent. If your opponent starts clamming up, then you get to employ her strings and her cancels and get more offensive.
Magic 4 is pretty damn good as well, can combo off it on CH with f+2 (easy), dash 1+4 (pretty hard) or 2,1,1+2 (only works on certain characters), also it’s pretty fast.
You can’t do 2, 1, 1+2 B! after a dash 1+4 from the 3~4 combo I listed earlier. Forgot that she can’t do that despite the changed frame data. Might have to settle for micro-dash b+4, 2 or just d+2 instead.
Also, anybody have any good recommendations on partners for Asuka? I just need someone to break turtling online and that’s just not her game. Breaking turtlers is just so much harder than running mixup RTSD I feel like; I’m thinking Ganryu or Bruce or maybe Jin or Heihachi. No clue here. =___=
Yeah Bruce and Heihachi would benefit Asuka. I think Asuka needs a wild partner like Xiaoyu or Law. I’ve been partnering Asuka with Dragunov 'cause I like his character design. But I think he’s too straight-forward and easy to read. I played a bit of Lee, and he seems to have a great set of tools: Quick pokes, lots of chain combo mix-ups, delayed combo enders, multiple launchers, and feints.
In terms of TA combos I dont get crazy damage output but I think Nina has a lot of tools Asuka lacks which is gd. Originally I was using Jun/Asuka but I feel that is a terrible team since they both have more or less the same weaknesses.
I was using Asuka/Forest which was an okay pairing as they had decent tag combos and tag assaults, they complemented each other fairly well.
But since the new update I dropped Forest for Kunimitsu which wasn’t that smart of a move because so far she hasn’t been going as well with Asuka as Forest did however Kuni is still awesome and I have no intention of dropping her even if Asuka/Kuni haven’t got good team synergy
I may be wrong as I have only started playing that team but so far Kuni’s combos with Asuka are harder to connect with because she use’s a lot of dashes and timing specific moves where as Forest’s were fairly easy to connect. But I am sure that with a bit of practice I will be doing great with the pair, the team just has a bit of a higher learning curve that’s all
:eek: Oh, okay. I thought you meant they had horribly lopsided matchups or stuff like that. Sweet, keep practicing them then.
Also, only two days of practicing old man Mishima and the tendons in my left arm are not pleased, LOL.
P.S. - I realized very recently that to get the dash 1+4 for many of Asuka’s pickups, you have to, essentially, “buffer” her dash. That makes the pickups much more consistent. You’re not actually buffering, but accounting for the 1-frame lag that the console version has–if you’re trying to visually confirm where to dash, that might not give you a large enough window. Once I figured this out, things became MUCH simpler and more consistent across the board.
I use Asuka/Miharu and I think they work nicely together, although they both don’t do very well against turtlers, they have nice combos together, I can get 95 off Asuka’s f+2 with no walls and about 70-80 off df+2, they both provide each other with high wallsplats that can be tag buffered (Asuka’s db4,3 and Miharu’s backturn 2,1,4) for great wall combos, and Miharu can ff1 after Asuka’s f+4, db4,3~5 although it’s really tricky. One downside to this team though is they both do badly vs turtlers.
Also someone told me that FC df+2 CH can be crouch cancelled into df+2, is this true?
I doubt it’s optimal, but I usually do 1+4,2, 2,1,1+2. The spike usually gives her time she needs to set up some safe oki, but if you’re looking for that Kansai damage, there may be some other better ones out there.
Okay, ladies. I’ve been looking at some gameplay of my Asuka and I’m trying to switch things up a bit.
I’ve recently been spacing out a lot more and really sticking to <b>SS 4</b>, <b>d/f+4</b>, <b>d+2</b>, <b>d/b+3</b> and <b>b+3</b>. Trying to really step up my spacing game. Everyone I talk to who has ever had trouble with Asuka always tells me that Asuka can put up a barrier around here where her legs just stop people from cross into her space so I’m trying to experiment and emulate that style a bit more. I’ve recently tried to get out of close range and avoid using moves like <b>b+1+4</b> and <b>d/f+1</b>. Also trying to use lots more <b>CH 4</b>.
One thing I’ve noticed is that I’m unnecessarily nerfing my combo damage by using the traditional <b>2,1, 2,1,1+2 B!</b> string. I’m trying to beef up the damage while cutting back on hits by using things like <b>b+2,1,3, d+2</b> and <b>u/f+4, b+4,2 B!</b> depending on the situation/stage/TA! partner/distance from the wall. Aside from <b>WS 1,4</b> and <b>f,f+2,1+2</b>, are there any post-B! strings you guys do to beef up that damage after a bounce? I still reserve <b>f+2~5</b> and <b>d/b+4,3~5</b> if I need to tag out at the end of a combo, but I’m wondering if Asuka has cool stuff post-B! that she can do if she shortens her pre-B! combos a bit.