Just made an account for this, has there been any description of the funded announcers? Some of them are sort of self explanatory.
FUNDED! $250,000: “Republican Double” by Kaiji Tang
FUNDED! $350,000: “Robo-Fortune” by Kimlinh Tran
FUNDED! $400,000: Female Announcer by Cristina Vee
FUNDED! $450,000: “Salty Parasoul” by Erin Fitzgerald
FUNDED! $500,000: “Drunk Commentator” by Joshua Tomar
FUNDED! $550,000: “Valley Girl Painwheel” by Danielle McRae
FUNDED! $600,000: “Saxploitation” by Rich Brown
FUNDED! $650,000: “Anime Peacock” by Sarah Williams
FUNDED! $700,000: “Real Soviet Announcer” by MikeZ
Have no idea what Republican Double entails.
Salty Parasoul I don’t know what that could be.
Valley Girl Painwheel, oh lord.
Don’t know what Saxploitation could be. Just chipping notes on a sax when you lose or playing a sexy sax riff when you win could be funny.
I just want Anime Peacock to say, "It- its not like I like you or anything… b- baka!"
Soviet Announcer from Mike. Yes.
Has there been any other details about what they’ll say or the voices? What do you think they’ll say it sound like?