AnimeCastle Big Tournament: SF4 Results and Commentaries

**Results of the AnimeCastle SF4 Tournament:
$10 entry fee
Participants: 21
Latecomers: HANDFUL

1- Rashaan aka Ferbie Jr. (Sim)
2- Zohta90, runner-up (Gief!)
3- Romes (Ryu)
4- Will (Sagat)
5 (tied)- NicaKO (Akuma)/AntiShoto (Gief)
7 (tied)- Tweleve (Vega)/Joshua (Guile)
9 (tied)- Luis Reyes (Ryu)/Blazeu25 (Abel/Bison)/Manuel (Bison)
13(tied)-Chris Nissen/Sean Y./Twinkie Bomb (fr. CT)/Nelson/Jason Chang
17(tied)-Joe Angotti/Sean Matthews/Raymond Martinez/FJR/Josh

Congrats to the new champion, Rashaan, who showed us why Sim Laden is Curry King!


Epic matchup vs. AntiShoto and Rashaan, top 8 winners bracket- rematch of the last $10 tourney. Rashaan took one simple mistake after getting hit w/ the HYPER UAB, played keepaway and exploited Anti’s power tactics to victory, advancing to the finals. Will there be another epic rematch once more!?

One pad Gief stepped up after bumped from 2nd round to the Grand Finals vs. Rashaan. Always loving to see how we 'Giefs gotta represent.

One Vega repped hard to advance to the top 8 as well. Good stuff all around.

Several people stepped up hard, while others stayed in the shadows, asking why the brackets were organized as is.

It’s simple: if you have an uneven bracket of less then either 16 or 32, several random people will have a bye from the first round. Some people had to start from scratch to make it to the top 8 while others took the time to relax and analyze other people’s strategies.

The brackets were messed up for a while thanks to two major reasons:

LATENESS. If people are to be at a tournament @ 5:30pm, it starts on the dot. Not, 5:55p.m, not ten minutes after SIX, FIVE THIRTY. Several people arrived ten minutes once AnimeCastle staff announced to make the brackets out of the blue, causing a HUGE mixup in the brackets. This lead to other problem:

BRACKETS. While I was calling out people, I had some people to proctor the brackets without touching them. Little did I know that several people were changed in the brackets due to the fact that either some people were inserted in the bracket first hand due to latecomers OR was inserted in the brackets due to minor setbacks once the tournament started WITHOUT my permission.

I personally had to fix the brackets, making sure both winners and losers brackets were set so everyone could play someone promptly and without any angle to favoritism. Sure, it wasn’t the most prettiest thing to assemble, but it’s better off doing it via laptop than making brackets on paper and not having erasers around should something random occurs.

Unfortunately, this caused brief delays in the tournament, and made the AnimeCastle staff quite furious in the long run due to lack of scheduled time. In the end, the tournament finished at approx. 8:30p.m, later than expected.

Hence, I strongly urge people to be on time. This will not be repeated again because, as obvious as every other tournament around the world, latecomers will NOT be participating in future tournaments, simple as that.

I take the blame due to the decisions made by the proctors chosen to man the laptop while I was either playing or discussing tournament format to other players. In the future, I will need better, and more organized, assistance in manning the brackets should situation like this arise.

Otherwise, thanks to those who participated in this tournament. I look forward seeing you all again.

Any comments? My email is on my profile.
