Speck was that nigga. I completely agree with everything said. Honestly, he shouldve been the final guy they faced. He took full advantage of the anythinh goes rule and was the most interesting.
A series about him prior to that arc would be amazing.
Let’s not forget on his way to see Baki, Speck stopped to teach the statue of liberty a lesson…with his bare fists! Nearly collapsing the whole damn thing. Speck was legit.
I remember being so excited about that anime cause I absolutely love wrestling.
All the moaning made it impossible to watch. I had headphones on so no one else would find out. Even then the moaning constantly made me feel uncomfortable.
I even tried watching on mute and just reading the subs but I could hear the moaning in my head.
That show was only good for the fanservice. I did enjoy it in a so bad it’s good kind of way. The main character losing 50 matches straight to a Boston crab is hilarious.