Animal Thread


Poor animal doesn’t grasp that you need to attack the person that gives you such a card, not the card itself.

i’m sure its intelligent enough to know that the person who gave it the card also feeds it.


What a terrifying blessing. I couldn’t imagine the thoughts running through his head when the adult male went behind him and sat. Just one incorrect gesture and it’s all over. Crazy.

he’s lucky they were gorillas and not chimps.


Baboon is one such kind of ape which is 5 to 10 times stronger than human beings.


Baboons are actually monkeys, and as far as I know they’re not stronger than the average human, probably as strong.

baboons are a lot stronger than the average human but not as strong as chimps.

[SIZE=4]Siberian Tigers fed LIVE birds for tourists[/SIZE]

hmmm… always thought Siberian tigers were white and a lot bigger than the average tiger?

White tigers are usually Bengals due to a rare mutation, and with nothing to really scale other than the SUV it’s hard to see what size (or age) those tigers are.

heh… just stumbled across this which just so happens to be the exact same place as the images I posted above.


The Siberian Tigers were pretty much stolen and transported to China to entertain tourists like so… I have no problems watching animals hunt and kill in their natural surrounding but this is sick. The goat didnt stand a chance.

Yeah they ahve zoos where you can pay money to feed the lions and tigers goats and sheep live. Pretty sadistic.

[SIZE=4]Angler snares deadly fish that killed two men by biting off their [SIZE=5]testicles[/SIZE][/SIZE]

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[LEFT]teeth look almost human like.[/LEFT]

[SIZE=4]Disturbing video that shows U.S. soldiers ‘blowing up a dog in Iraq for fun’[/SIZE]

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[LEFT]Earlier this month a video emerged that appeared to show US soldiers in Iraq **beating a sheep to death with a baseball bat **. [/LEFT]
[LEFT]Repeated incidents of gratuitous violence have raised questions about the capability of US soldiers to be at the forefront of sensitive relationships with local populations.[/LEFT]

[SIZE=4]world’s tallest cat (who is part African wildcat but is docile as a kitten)[/SIZE]

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[LEFT]Trouble is a hybrid called a Savannah - part house cat and part African serval[/LEFT]

I hope there are scientists somewhere trying to find the strength gene in apes, find the gene in human and HULK SMASH!

I never have and now never will piss in a river/lake/stream/pond/anybodyofwaternotcalledatoilet

[SIZE=4]Genetic scientists create freakish man-made monster ants with huge heads and jaws[/SIZE]

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[LEFT]Scientists created the monster ants in the laboratory by activating ancient ancestral genes[/LEFT]