I’v been playing Gat for about 2 months now and am just tapping into AS, mostly because I have been learning his normal/special properties. I had to think of too much besides AS to win games with him. At high level play at least… Now I’m realing that AS is essential to high level play.
Which means that there is more level for failure, not just because you need AS to do good damage agaisnt a well grounded opponent. But also because of course it has armor breaking and more juggle potential.
I want to start this thread so alll AS properties and uses will be easily accessible.
First of all… unless I am at the end of the round and am down on life(to the point of one mistake=round lose) I am trying to grab AS as quick as possible. Other wise if I don’t have it I will use my one bar for it.
It has uses for more than just the abilities listed above. For instance it scares your opponent, because they know if they make a mistake they can eat 225 dmg for a CH TU. So they will intentionally not take as many chances at links for for fear of TU. If you know every characters reversal points, it makes it much easier to go back to offense because your opponent will simply quit hitting you trying to bait a reversal. Just know its coming and go back on offense rather than falling for the bait and TUing to get punished.
This one is just more me, cause I haven’t seen anyone do it yet. And at high level play, your opponent isn’t gonna jump at you unless you are knocked down or they believe that you are gonna throw a fireball at a bad range.
Anyways once a player gets into jumpin range a slightly delayed AS will yeild you the easiest AA TU ever!!!
By this I mean that if you AS right as they jump, you can see that shit for miles… too easy dmg with AA TU.
You can also land a nice TU after f+rh for 200 dmg!
Now with the new thread about using AS to FADC after a TK for more dmg, I am thinking that AS needs it own thread to so we can all share our knowledge and make AS dmg as easy to accesss as possible.
So please lets here all AS discovered info here.